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family dinner

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family dinner


Anastasia sat with her two sons in the residence of Linda Martin.

At the head of the table sat her grandfather, to the right of him sat her uncle, Amenadiel, a blank chair next to him, then Maverick, and lastly Ryder. To the left of him was where she was sitting, next to her was her other uncle, Michael, and next to him was meant to be her father, Lucifer. The other end of the table was meant to remain empty.

The tension between the angels in the room could be cut with a dull butter knife.

"I'm sorry, Father, but we shouldn't be surprised." Anastasia scoffed at what Michael had said, making her grandfather raise an eyebrow at her actions. She opted for downing her entire glass of wine as she listened to Michael continue to talk. "I mean, Lucifer isn't mature enough..."



"One..." Anastasia counted down before she pointed her finger to the door that opened. She was all too accustomed to the actions of her father. After all, she had spent billions of years together.

"Sorry, I'm late." Lucifer exclaimed, a smirk plastered on his face. He then held up the baked goods in his hand. "I brought soufflé. Risen perfectly, just like you like them."

Anastasia could hear her least favorite Uncle sigh deeply in his pure annoyance toward his twin, her father. She then watched Lucifer make his way to the table and drag the chair that was next to his brother to the end of the table, purposely letting it make a loud screeching noise as it slid against the hardwood flooring.

"I'm glad you came son." God spoke to Lucifer as he sat down in his chair, sending a glance to his daughter, who was drinking another glass of wine.

"Me too."

Linda then walked into the room, carrying another bottle of wine. She then set it down on the table. "Yeah, I find that, at family events, a couple of bottles help." Anastasia nodded her head at what the woman had said, even though she knew she couldn't get drunk or have any effects from the alcohol. "To start off." Anastasia added on in a mumble.

"Okay. I'm off." Linda made her way to the exit.

"You're not joining us, Linda?"

Linda shuffled awkwardly in place. "Well, this is a family dinner, and well uhm...I'm not." She stumbled out.

"You are the mother of my grandchild. Of course you're family." God replied, making Linda exchange a look with Amenadiel. She then sat down in the chair next to said angel.

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