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we did good

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we did good


"I'm tired." Anastasia spoke as she held her tiny baby boy that was wrapped in a light blue blanket. Dean sat next to her on the side of the hospital bed with one arm wrapped around her shoulders, slightly pulling her into his side.

Before Dean could reply, someone opened the door of the room, revealing Lucifer, followed by the rest of her children. Many of them were carrying a multitude of blue and white colored helium balloons. There were arrays of ones that were polka dotted. Others had the words "Congratulations" on them. And others with the words "It's a boy".

Anastasia softly smiled at the sight. Happy about the fact that she had a loving and caring family to welcome her son into.

"My new adorable baby grandchild." Lucifer announced.

"What's our brother's name?" Lizzie but in, desperately wanting to know.

"Silas Samuel Winchester-Morningstar." Anastasia told them.

"You named him after the moose?" She heard a familiar voice ask.

Turning to look to see who it was, the brunette angel saw Crowley standing next to Maze. "Mhm. We named him after Sammy." She said, looking at Crowley, before looking at her brother-in-law, who was towering over anyone with his height.

"And was the name Silas just a coincidence then?" Lucifer asked her.

"No, Annie decided to name him after one of her best friend's who made sure that her other best friend could live." Dean replied.

Dean felt someone tug on his hand as they continued to talk. Looking down, he saw his daughter looking up at him from where she was standing on the floor of the room.

"What's up, sweetie?" He asked, making sure not to disturb the rest of the people talking in the room.

"Am I a big sister now?" Ivy questioned her father with a thoughtful and confused expression on her face.

"Yes you are, sweetheart."

"Really?" She asked again, practically jumping up and down at the thought of finally being a bigger sister rather than always being the baby of the family.


The rest of the family had left the married couple alone along with Silas, who was now being carried in Dean's arms rather than Anastasia's.

Dean leaned over and planted a soft kiss on his wife's lips.

"We did good." He whispered to her as she began to close her eyes sleepily.

"Yeah...we did." She mumbled.

Little did they know, the threats that lurked in the world, waiting to take their children and their new baby boy from them.


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a/n: hello lovelies:) sorry it is short. it is literally a fluff chapter before the drama unfolds. muahahaha. and no the baby shall not be harmed....what? i'm not evil.

what do you all want to happen?

please don't be a silent reader. VOTE AND COMMENT.

stay safe. love you lots<3

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