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supportive best friends


"Hey, shortie." Alaric said as he watched Anastasia enter.

"What's up, Ric?" She asked, collapsing into one of the chairs that was in the room. She was exhausted. Ivy had kept her up all night, worrying for her father, because she could sense that something was wrong with him. As could Anastasia.

Alaric sighed, scratching the back of his neck. "Well, um..." He began.

"Just spit it out. It can't be that bad. It's not like the Mikaelsons are back in town or anything." She joked, trying to lighten the situation.

"About that..." He trailed off again.

"THE MIKAELSONS ARE BACK IN TOWN?!" Anastasia shrieked. This was not so supposed to happen. Not ever. She was supposed to be able to live her life with her children, her friends, and the rest of her family without having to ever have to deal with them again.

"Yup." Alaric replied, looking down at the desk in front of him that all of a sudden looked really interesting.

"Great." Anastasia scoffed. "Just great." She repeated, running a hand through her hair. "You know what." She then said, attracting Alaric's attention. " Everything will be fine." She stated.

"Really?" Alaric asked with a brow raised.

"Yes it will." She confirmed. "I have you, my dad, my husband, all my children, this school, and they will not ruin that." She explained.

"You're right. Nobody should let them." Alaric agreed with her.

"Right. Sounds like a plan." Anastasia affirmed, clapping her hands together as she hopped up from the seat she was sitting in. her moods switching like just flipping a light switch.

She was making her way out of the office, when she stopped and turned around. "By the way, we have a walk through of the school and an enrollment with a new student. The whole family is coming. It's in the afternoon. Around the time of the last class of the day." She informed him.

"Wait. Where are you going right now?" He then asked her.

"I'm going to go call Athena and Astrid and tell them that daddy's back in town." Anastasia replied with a sarcastic smile before leaving. Her smile then dropped as she walked away while she rolled her eyes.


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