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anyone want popcorn?

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anyone want popcorn?


Freaky slightly stumbled back at what Anastasia had said. Maybe it was in shock or maybe it was because the venom in her voice was scary as hell. If it was in shock, part of her completely understood what the angel had said, but the other part didn't want to believe what she was hearing.

Was something like that actually possible?

Was her younger brother capable of such acts?

"What are you talking about?" Freya questioned the brunette angel, who looked void of any emotion.

"Oh....they didn't tell you..."Anastasia mused, clearly finding the eldest sister's confusion amusing.

"Tell me what? They all just told me that he was your epic love." The witch then said, her face morphing to one of complete and utter confusion.

"He is nothing to me." Anastasia spat.


"There is no buts about it, Freya!!" The angel screamed at them, losing control of her normally in check emotions.

"Ana-" Lucifer began, but decided against trying to calm her down when he saw how angry she was. He might as well just let the scene unfold.

"THERE WAS NOTHING EPIC ABOUT THE LOVE WE HAD!!!" She yelled at them as the shadow figure began advancing towards Klaus the angrier she got, causing him to step back with each step that it took forward.

"Why was it not?" Keeling questioned, genuinely wondering what Klaus had done. She wasn't exactly a fan of the man and would gladly like to add reasons to the list.

"Let's start off with the blunt factor of the doomed relationship we had: He cheated on me...not once...but twice. First with Caroline and then with Hayley."

"He then blamed me for the fact that he cheated. He gaslighted me and manipulated me every chance that he was given. Anything that he did was somehow my fault. He always made it my fault!!! BUT IT NEVER WAS!!"

"Then that quickly escalated to him being emotionally and verbally abusive. He would toy with my emotions and blame everything on me. He would call me names and say awful things to me."

The figure had hoisted Klaus up off of the ground by his throat the more and more that Anastasia spoke.

"Then that turned into actual abuse. Physical abuse. I remember the first time he hit me, I sobbed for hours in my father's arms, wondering what I did wrong and why he didn't love me. But now I realize how shitty he was."

Freya and Keelin stood in shock at what Anastasia had told them. There lips were slightly parted as the were at a loss for words.

Did Klaus actually do all of that?

The married couple then looked over at the rest of the family and noticed that none of them seemed shocked by this news.

They knew.

They all knew.

And they still protected Klaus.

That thought disgusted them.

"I can't believe you would do that!" Freya yelled at her younger brother. Her gaze then drifted to her other siblings as she looked at them disgusted. "And you did nothing to stop him!"

"You all disgust me." She spat.

"Well... well...well....this night just got a hell of a lot more entertaining." Kol mused as he, his wife, and Marcel arrived at their home only to see a pissed off angel and devil, two amused hunters, a disgusted married couple, and frightened siblings.

"Anyone else want popcorn? I feel like there should be popcorn."


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a/n: hello lovelies:) i know it is short. i'm so sorry about that, i'll make them there normal length again eventually. just school and stuff makes it difficult. there is also probably only a few more fight scene chapters before something else happens. i can't stretch it out yeah.

do ya'll still like this story? because i feel like it just keeps on getting worse chapter by chapter.

please don't be a silent reader. VOTE AND COMMENT.

stay safe. love you loys<333

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