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playgrounds & cheeseburgers

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playgrounds & cheeseburgers


"Hey stop. That tickles." Ivy giggled as her older brother, Maverick, was poking her sides when he finally caught her while he was playing tag with her.

"I got you." Maverick said in a sing-song voice, making his younger sister laugh at him.

"No, you didn't." Ivy pouted, wiggling from his grip and running up the stairs of the playground. Maverick followed closely behind her, trying to 'catch' her not putting in his full effort.

"Mav! Ivy!" Anastasia called out, gaining the attention of her oldest boy and her youngest child. "We have to get going!" She told them both.

The rest of the moms were beginning to collect their children and then heading home. The sun disappearing was the cause of it. As dusk came, the parents began to collect their children and head home. And Anastasia was going to just that.

"Mommy, do we have to?" Ivy whined from where she was seated at the top of the dark blue colored slide. An adorable pout was etched into her face.

"I'm sorry, sweetie, but we do." Anastasia told her daughter. "How about we come back later this week?" She then added on, earning a zealous nod in return. Her daughter was more than excited about the idea.

"Okay." Ivy chirped before she slid down the slide. When she reached the bottom, Anastasia hoisted her five year old daughter. The two of them then watched as Maverick reluctantly slid down the slide as well, not realizing that his mother had taken a photo of him.

"Mommy, what's for dinner?" Ivy then asked.

Anastasia looked at her youngest that was in her arms and then looked towards her oldest. Glancing between the two of them, she then got an idea.



Anastasia was walking next to Maverick as Ivy was clinging onto her older brother like he was a backpack. They were heading to get takeout from the Mystic Grill for the family.

Cheeseburgers; like the littlest Morningstar had requested.

As soon as they came to the door of the Mystic Grill, Anastasia's phone rang. Looking down at the Caller ID she saw that it was her father, meaning that she should probably pick it up.

"Hey, Mav. Can you take Ivy with you and go and order the food?" Anastasia asked her son, handing him her credit card.

"Sure." Maverick answered, before walking into the Mystic Grill, whilst still giving Ivy a piggyback ride.

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