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what a shame~~~~~

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what a shame

Klaus had returned home and stormed into the one room in the house he hadn't returned to the entire time he had been back in town.

It brought him bad memories of the fact that Anastasia wasn't his anymore. That she was that annoying man that had an incredibly tall brother and a child with the woman that he loved.

It should have been him with Anastasia. It should have been him that she loved. It should have been him that they married. They should have had a child together. Not her and this uneducated man who had the fashion sense of an army surplus store.

And the thought that she had moved on and was happy with someone that wasn't him was pissing him off, driving him absolutely mad.

He had thrown his paintings across the room and trashed the entirety of every object in there. All the vases and glasses. All the framed paintings. Holes had been punched through all the walls and the door had been splintered into pieces, almost ripped off the hinges.

The room was a complete and utter disaster.

He had then collapsed into the chair behind his desk and that was when he finally read the letter that had been on his front doorstep when he got back from New Orleans. The letter that he had refused to read, not wanting any closure between him and the woman he was so desperately in love with.

But now he had finally read it and was beyond furious.

Anastasia had the audacity to keep his children from him.

Athena and Astrid grew up to call another man father. They had grown up to call the man she married father. This incompetent soul had replaced him. Had taken his children from him as do Anastasia.

And for that, he was going to make them pay.

He would kill her husband, Dean. And take back was rightfully his.

Anastasia and his children would be his again. And whoever got in his way would face a gruesome death.


Dean and Anastasia collapsed on the bed, both trying to catch their breath after whatever round they were on, seemingly losing track as they did so.

They were both blissfully content together , completely unaware of the paranoid hybrid that was plotting murder and revenge. Not giving a damn about who would get in his way, as long as he got what he wanted.

Dean dead.

And what was his back.

Before the couple could get back to what they were fixing, they heard a loud repetitive knocking coming from down stairs.

"They will go away." Dean told her, not wanting to get up.

However, Anastasia didn't even get to respond before the knocking continued even more.

"Mhm. I'm sure they will." Anastasia replied, but still neither made an effort to get up from the bed.

But then they head a loud bang and something clattering onto the floor. That noise alarmed them to no end, so they finally got up from the bed.

The hunter slipped on a pair of sweats without bothering to put on a shirt and the angel slipped on a pair of clean boxers and Dean's shirt from the day, more than happy to be engulfed by her husband's scent.

The couple then rushed down the stairs to see who was there and what had happened.

When they got downstairs, they both saw a furious Klaus Mikaelson and their front door on the floor or their home.

Klaus saw a married couple that were sweaty and out of breath and both had marks covering their necks, Anastasia's healing not kicking in yet. He also noticed that Anastasia was no doubt wearing Dean's clothing.

Their look of both only infuriated him even more.

"Hello?" Anastasia questioned the hybrid.

"At..." Dean trailed off looking at the clock, "2:27 in the morning."

"I'm here to talk to you." Klaus seethed at the man, earning a mock offended look from the hunter, which the vampire hybrid ignored.

"What a shame." Dean mused, wrapping his arm around Anastasia's shoulders, not caring for the glare that was directed at his action.

Anastasia sighed, annoyed. "So why are you at our home, Mr. Mikaelson." She questioned, formally.

"Aren't you going to invite me in?" Klaus asked with a smirk.

"No." Anastasia stated. There wasn't a chance in hell, pun intended, that he would ever be invited into her home.

"Why? Because it's in your children's name or better yet, this incompetent fool!" He yelled at her.

"None of the above. It is in my name and I just plainly don't want to invite a narcissistic and abusive ass like you into my home."

Klaus' face faltered for a second at the fact that it was in her name. She was a vampire, so she was dead, meaning that she couldn't invite anybody in. It didn't work that way. But just as quick as his face faltered, his smirk was plastered back on it.

"Well at least I wasn't stupid enough to keep coming back." He told her, making her flinch back into Dean's arms.

"How bout you shut the hell up, you son of a bitch." Dean threatened Klaus, mad that Klaus had the nerve to say that to Anastasia.

"Why are you here?" Anastasia asked again, emotionlessly, wanting nothing more than for him to leave.

"I came here to get what is mine."

"What are you talking about?" The couple said in unison.

"My daughters." Klaus told them. "Give them to me."


a/n: hello lovelies:) drama seems to be brewing in the near future

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a/n: hello lovelies:) drama seems to be brewing in the near future.

what do y'all want to happen in this story?

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stay safe. love you lots<3

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