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divine rambling


Two months had gone by....

Two months of where Klaus had remained in the confines of his bedroom, refusing to leave them. Maybe that was the normal reaction to finding out the Devil was real. That he had been standing right in front of him the entire time. That he had been engaged to the the daughter of the literal Devil.

Who wouldn't be unnerved by the thought of that?

Or maybe instead of feeling unnerved it would send them into a downward spiral.


For Linda Martin, she had spent her days holed on in her office or in her home. She had cancelled her appointments with the divine and the demonic. She avoided her friends that had been hiding the truth from her, but not because she was betrayed by the fact that they didn't tell her, but because she was genuinely afraid of them.

She found out that her friend, past hookup, and patient was the literal Devil. The actual fallen angel himself. And that fact had freaked her out more than she thought she could ever be.

But she came around faster than many would expect. In a few days to a week or so, Linda Martin had come to terms with the Devil being real.

For Chloe Decker, she immediately began sublimating her problems as she ran from them. She left the police station and went on a vacation, where she met Father Kinley, who helped her channel her fear into a "healthy" outlet. One where she would help rid the world of the Devil and send him back to Hell.

But just like Linda, Chloe Decker had come to terms with the fact that the Devil roamed the Earth and worked with her on cases.

For Dan Espinoza, he was scared and immediately took action upon the fact that he had been working with the Devil. Lucifer Morningstar was the Devil and he worked with him and his colleagues in the LAPD. Hoping to rid the Earth of the great evil, he shot Lucifer. But it didn't work, seeing as Lucifer had finally returned to being invulnerable even while around Chloe.

But he too, like all the others, had come to terms with it.

And unlike all the others, Klaus Mikaelson was a different story.

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