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moronic puppy

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moronic puppy


The four Mikaelsons groaned in pain as blood began pooling in their mouths from the tight grip that was on their hearts. The other ones didn't even bother to help the family members in pain.

 After all, why would they?

"I do believe that you Originals, minus Hayley, may be able to survive a whole lot, but a ripped out heart is not one of them." Maverick spoke, tightening his grip on Elijah and Klaus's hearts.

As Maverick was speaking, Rebekah took notice of the mark that was on Ryder's arm. Contrary to how it looked in the memories they had seen, it was slightly glowing and red veins traveling down from it, covering the lower half of their forearms.

"What is with the mark on your arms?" Rebekah choked out, earning a glare from Ryder.

"I'm sure such educated geniuses as yourselves would be able to figure it out." He sarcastically remarked.

Before anyone could reply, the door of the mansion was broken off of its hinges and fell flat onto the floor. Nicely polished red bottom shoes stepped over it, revealing a very pissed off looking Lucifer Morningstar.

"My two mini-mes, already wreaking havoc, I see." He mused as he watched the scene before him.

"C'mon Papa Luci, we're just itching to kill someone." Ryder whined, thinking that their grandfather would tell them to stop doing what they were doing.

Lucifer slightly chuckled. "Ah yes, I do believe that is an inherited trait."

"I thought you said they weren't killers." Klaus sneered at Marcel, who was watching the scene play out, not even caring to intervene.

"They don't." The enhanced vampire snapped at the hybrid.

"A literal dog would be more intelligent than you." Lucifer said, before he did a double take and looked back at Klaus. "Oh wait! You are one." He then walked over and found himself a bottle of bourbon before pouring himself a glass of it.

"It's from their father, you moronic puppy. However, the temper is all mine." Lucifer told them, before then taking a sip from the glass. His face scrunched up in distaste before placing the glass back down and pulling out his flash to take a drink from it.

"Their father?" Rebekah asked. As far as she remembered, the father was unknown and not in the picture.

"My great grandfather!" Ryder exclaimed. "You really are all so slow. In biblical terms I believe you would all call him "The First Murderer.""


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a/n: hello lovelies:) double update and have fun with the cliffhanger for right now. sorry it is short and sorry that there may be mistakes within it.

shit is about to get real confusing seeing as superntural and lucifer potray the same biblical stories differently. so it may be a bit confusing but i will try my best to explain it and tie everything together.

also, this story is going to go through all of season 5 of lucifer and i have only got like three episodes into season 6 so i don't know if i will use it or not. i also haven't even finished supernatural yet, i am in season 11. PLEASE DON'T SPOIL ANYTHING FOR ME OR I WILL HAUNT YOU IN YOUR SLEEP.

with that being said, the story is going to be pretty long, seeing as i haven't even really got into the story line of season 5 and i am really looking forward to it. however, supernatural is just going to be tied into and story lines with be mentioned but never fully played out in this story.

if you have any questions about all of that, feel free to comment them, message me, or post them on my profile. i have been getting so many already.

please don't be a silent reader. VOTE AND COMMENT.

stay safe. love you lots<333

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