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pea-sized brain

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pea-sized brain


Anastasia stood in shock in front of her bed when she heard him through the phone. That awful American accent. The one she had grown up with in the first three, almost four years.

The man that looked exactly like her father. The man that she thought had actually cared about. What an ironic slap to the face that was when she found out he had been the one to cause her and her father to get banished to Hell for all eternity and get her father cast out of Heaven. Strangely enough, the young Anastasia was still able to get up there.

Not like she ever wanted to ever visit the Silver City.

After all, why the actual hell would she want to go up there when every angel was rallying against her and her dad?

Breaking out of her trance she spoke up, "How dare you?!" She seethed into the room, stepping out into the hallway so she wouldn't disturb or scare Silas. But making sure that she was close enough if something were to happen to her baby boy.

A sardonic chuckle was heard on the other end of the phone, making the anger that Anastasia felt only increase. "I'm afraid you'll have to be more specific." Michael spoke upon the other side with humor lacing his tone.

He found the whole situation he had put her family in hilarious.

"Cut the bullshit!!" She yelled into the phone. "You hurt my youngest daughter in your sick mission to be the better twin! Then you went after my best friend and my other two daughters!"

"Collateral damage." He said in a nonchalant tone. "Besides you aren't even really their mother are you. Their mother was that adorable dark haired brunette that was going to marry dear old Alaric. You know, if you really cared about them, maybe you would have brought their mother back, but instead you parade around as their mother-"

He didn't get to finish her sentence, before Anastasia had slammed her fist into the wall of the hallway. A large crack and indent formed in the light gray colored walls from the impact. "SHUT UP!!" She yelled at him. "They know that I'm not their biological mother, but to them, I AM their mother! So keep your idiotic and unwanted opinions to yourself before I decided to sew your mouth shut and make sure no one can ever here them again!" Anastasia then threatened her uncle.

A low whistle was then heard through the phone. "I see you got your father's temper."

"Your voice just seems to bring it out in me." She sarcastically responded, not wanting to deal with the complete and utter nonsense and bullshit that he was spewing. "And why would MY family become YOUR collateral damage? They don't relate to you in any way, AT ALL."

"But they do relate to me, little one. After all, we are family."


"Oooh. That temper." He mused, humored. "They are collateral damage to my plan. My plan you ask? The one where I will ruin the life of that twin brother of mine. I mean, I've already ruined his life in Los Angeles. Now all that is left is ruining his life in Mystic Falls."

Anastasia took a deep breath, trying to calm down, and miserably failing, before she replied. "If you even step foot into Mystic Falls, I will end you. If you try to hurt my children, my father, my husband, or my best friend, I will end you. If you even think about harming them in any way shape or form, I will end you in all the worst ways that your twisted little pea-sized brain can make up. Are we clear?!

The angel then heard a fearful shaky breath on the other side of the phone, before all she heard was the dial tone.

It seemed that she had an uncle to kill.


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a/n: hello lovelies:) it's longer but still kind of short. it's just here to tide you all over while i update my other three stories and then update my baby a.k.a. this story again.

please don't be a silent reader. vote and comment.

stay safe. love you 3000<33

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