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angry tribrid daughter

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angry tribrid daughter


By the time Klaus stumbled into the Mikaelson Mansion, it was around six in the morning. 

He had been unable to use his speed due to the damage down to his legs and back. He had walked through town, keeping in the shadows so no one would comment on his bloodied state.

When he finally arrived, blood was covering the entirety of his body, soaking every part of his clothes. Gaping wounds could still be seen through the tears in his once gray Henley shirt and his dark blue jeans as blood continued to run from each of them. Cuts covered his face as blood also ran down from his ears to his neck.

His family gasped in shock as they saw what he looked like.

They had never once seen him so destroyed and in pain. And never once had Klaus felt so much pain as he had in that moment.

Klaus collapsed to the floor, not even bothering to wonder why his daughter and the majority of the rest of his family was wide awake so early in the morning, forgetting the fact that Hope had school that day.

"Oh my god, Nik!" Rebekah shrieked. "What the hell happened?!" She exclaimed, distraught ad worried over the appearance of her older brother.

"Athena happened." Klaus croaked out. He was pissed at the fact that he let a teenage girl best him. He was also mad that Anastasia had let it happen.

"As in Anastasia's daughter?" Elijah questioned. The noble brother was finding it hard to believe that the girl possessed such power to take his original hybrid brother down.

"And mine." He told them, venom lacing his words. His words leaving the golden trio of the family, plus Hayley, in shock

"Hope has sisters?" Rebekah questioned, looking at her niece, who didn't seem fazed by the news, which greatly confused everyone.

"And why don't you look surprised, Hope?" Hayley asked her daughter.

Hope sighed. She had hoped that her father would never find out about Athena and Astrid. She should've burnt the letter...what a mistake on her part. And now her dad was furious because of it, even though in her mind he had no right to be.

He had cheated.

He had left.

He had not bothered to contact her.

In Hope's mind, her dad was no father to the twins.

"Because I already knew." Hope told them, looking at the floor of the home.

"You what?" Klaus questioned from where he was slouched on the floor.

"I knew!" She yelled at him, looking straight into the eyes of her father. "I knew that I had sister's and that you had two other kids!"

"Hope...why didn't you tell us?" Hayley asked her, trying to get near her daughter.

"Because you didn't deserve to know! None of you did!" Hope yelled at her mother, pushing her mom's arm away from her. Hope was too angry at all of them to want any comfort from them.

"Why would you say something like that?" Rebekah questioned with tears in her eyes. "They are our family. Anastasia is our family." She cried, causing Hope to roll her eyes.

"BUT SHE ISN'T!!" Hope exploded. "She stopped being your family the moment that dad cheated on her twice, emotionally abused and manipulated her, and left without explaining anything to her!!" Her gaze then fell on her aunt and uncle, Rebekah and Elijah. "And both say that she is your family, but you left without reason. You didn't let her talk to you when she went to New Orleans! You weren't even going to tell her what happened between Hayley and my dad, aunt Rebekah!!"

"How did you come to possess all this information?" Elijah asked, thinking that Anastasia's kids had been telling her all this.

"The letter she wrote to don't you dare go blaming that family for something they didn't do!" Hope responded. "Why do you all always assume the worst of that family?!" She rhetorically asked. "They have done nothing to you!!"

"Hope...." Klaus drawled, unsure of what to say to make it all better. He needed at least one of his daughter's to still care for him.

"NO!" Hope interrupted him, practically shaking with anger. "Don't you dare! I don't want to even hear you speak right now!"

"Anastasia is happy, so none of you need to go ruining that! Athena and Astrid are happy! They are already my friends-- I'm not going to ask for them to be my sisters, because they already have sisters. They, they have Josie and Lizzie and little Ivy. They also have their two older brothers, who you also left! They even have a loving and caring father now."

"He is not their father." Klaus said through gritted teeth.

"HE IS!! HE IS THEIR FATHER!!" Hope yelled at him. Her eyes flashing amber. "He was a better father than you ever were to them! So they sure as hell don't need you to go and fucking ruin everything!!"

She then ignored the looks she was getting from her family and stormed out of the house, letting the door slam shut behind her.


The Mikaelson family was floored. Never had they ever seen Hope get that mad at her father or them. Ever. Nor had they ever seen her curse.

"Ouch." Kol mused as he walked down the stairs and surveyed the state his brother was in. "That looks like it hurts." He then noticed the sullen looks that the rest of the family had. Something had clearly happened while he had been asleep.

"So what did I miss?


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a/n: hello lovelies:) have fun with this update. kind of don't like it, but it is here nonetheless. hope yelling at her father and family is easily the best part.

if you guys have time please check out my other stories: the executioner( a marvel x tvd crossover), call upon a winter storm (killer frost), purity, and insanity plea, which once was known as his summer, her winter.

please don't be a silent reader. VOTE AND COMMENT.

stay safe. love you lots<3

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