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{same outfit as chapter before}

{same outfit as chapter before}

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rough sex?

A strong grip was around her wrist as she was dragged into the front door of her home by Dean. When they shut, leaving them in the inside of the home, Anastasia found herself roughly slammed against the wooden door behind her. She gasped at the rough treatment as she stared up at her husband.

Dean's hips and chest were pushed into hers as he quickly pinned her wrists above her head with one hand. His other was resting on the wall beside her head, caging her in,  as he looked down at her with a lust filled look. His face was only a few inches away from hers as her lips were slightly parted.

His eyes were locked onto her soft brown ones as he searched them for permission, wanting to know that it was okay. She nodded in response.

"I need words, sweetheart." He whispered to her huskily, causing a shiver to go down her spine as butterflies began to build up in her stomach.

"Yes," Anastasia breathed out, "I want you. Please." She begged.

Just as soon as those words escaped her lips, Dean had both his arms beside her head as he began to grind his hips against hers. Her breath hitched in her throat as he continued, causing a smirk to appear on his face at her reaction to him.

Even after all these years, he still found the way she melted under his touch amusing.

He then pressed himself closer to him, causing a small moan to escape her, only making his smirk grow on his face.

Anastasia was the one that initiated the kiss, pulling him down by the back of his neck. As soon as their lips had locked, they both felt as if they were on fire, electrified by every single touch that happened between them. Dean slipped his tongue into her mouth as the two began to fight for dominance, Anastasia letting him win, enjoying the way he would dominate her.

The kiss started off slow and passionate, but quickly turned rough as Anastasia's hands tangled into his hair, making him groan, as his own began to roam her body.

His hands traveled down to her waist, not breaking the kiss, as he gave her ass a small squeeze before hoisting her up off the ground. Her legs wrapped around his torso as they finally broke from their kiss.

His fingers then brushed against her core causing her to let out a slight whimper as he then smirked into the kiss. But he then pulled his hand away as he broke from the kiss to see his pouting wife that was flushed and out of breath.



Dean kept a firm grip around Anastasia as his arm wrapped around her waist as he carried them upstairs into the bedroom. Placing kisses along her neck and collarbone as they went.

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