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mommy, am I evil?


The Morningstar Mansion was almost silent. The only sounds that could be heard was the light rapping of the tree against the window and the soft snores that came from the eldest sibling.

Anastasia sat awake on the couch. A blanket was wrapped over her legs, a book in her lap, and a cup of hot chocolate with whipped cream and marshmallows in one hand as she would flip the pages of the book over with the other. And every minute, the angel would glance to her left to make sure that her son was safe and sound; the paranoia, concern, and worry clearly setting in after the incident that happened with Michael.

The thought of her uncle made the angel lightly scoff to herself.

It was ironic the more she thought of it.

The angel that was always portrayed as the opposite of the Devil. The angel that was meant to be a literal "Angel" when it came to the sense of personality. However, from what Anastasia had seen...Michael was anything but.

He was worse than her father. And not because the actions he had done were worse, but because he never owned up to what he did. He always played the bloody victim or the manipulative mastermind.

Anastasia was broken from her thoughts as she heard whimpers coming from beside her. Looking over, she saw her eldest son tossing and turning on the couch. Hearing some of his forefront thoughts, Anastasia lightly shook him awake, not wanting him to continue to suffer through his nightmare.

Maverick shot up from where he was laying down and immediately clung onto his mother like she was his lifeline and he was drowning.

"Please don't let him hurt me again." He begged her.

The once strong and powerful son let down his walls and for once seemed broken and vulnerable.

Anastasia hugged her son, whispering sweet nothings to him, trying to calm him down, as she ran her hand up and down his back in a soothing manner.

Moments later, Maverick was leaning against his mom, half asleep, as she ran her fingers through his hair, continuing to calm him down.

"I'd soon rather face death than let anything happen to you ever again." She whispered to him, placing a kiss on his forehead.


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