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{same outfit as previous chapter}

{same outfit as previous chapter}

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frisky in the park

Dean and Anastasia were walking back from getting ice cream. Dean's arm was slung around his wife's shoulders, pulling her close into her side as they talked about everything and anything. Occasionally halting the conversation to eat some of the two of them were sharing the one chocolate ice cream in a waffle cone as they were walking back to where they were sitting.

They eventually were situated on the grass again, next to each other, still sharing their ice cream. Permanent smiles seemed etched onto their faces.

"So he's back?" Dean questioned. His rage is not being concealed at all.

To be frank, he was pissed.

He was pissed that the man who broke a fucking amazing woman decided to come back and enroll his daughter that resulted from the night he cheated into the school that Anastasia owned.

And no, he wasn't mad at Hope. He could care less that Hope was going to the school. He was mad because Klaus just decided to come back into Anastasia's life like he hadn't been a manipulative and emotionally abusive asshole.

Like he wasn't some self-serving and lying bastard.

However, the hunter was broken out of his thoughts when he heard his wife call his name.

"Calm down." She said, pointedly looking at his hands that were on the verge of bleeding because of his nails digging into them from how tight he had balled up his fists.

"I am calm, sweetheart. If I wasn't calm, I would've gone to the trunk of baby and pulled out every single weapon I have and test fired them on that son of a bitch." Dean replied with a sarcastic smile, causing Anastasia to giggle, before she finished off the ice cream they had been having.

"I'd pay to see that." She laughed.

"Mhm." Dean hummed, while looking at his wife with nothing but adoration. "You have a little something..." He trailed off, before wiping his thumb across her life, wiping away the chocolate ice cream that had been there. He then slipped his thumb into her mouth, Anastasia closing her lips around it.

"Good girl." He whispered in her ear, making those butterflies she had when she always was around him return. Dean then pulled his thumb out of her mouth quickly, realizing they were still in public, making a pop noise. A blush then rose to Anastasia's cheek.

"Dean we are in can't do tha-" She began to ramble, but was stopped when he pulled slightly on the collar of the pastel pink suit jacket she was wearing, making her lips smash against his.

The kiss was slow and passionate for a moment as Anastasia quickly forgot about the family that was sitting opposite the park they were in.

Oh boy, were they getting a show.

Anastasia held back a moan before she pushed away Dean, who now had a satisfied smirk on his face, seeing the flustered and bothered state his wife was in.

"For being a public, you certainly didn't object."

Anastasia just buried her face into his chest, trying to hide her face that was now red with embarrassment, causing Dean to chuckle.

"Can we please go?" She mumbled.

"As long as I get to finish what I started." He whispered into her ear.


Klaus was downright furious. He just watched the woman he loved and another man almost have sex right in front of him and his family.

It was safe to say he was more than angry.

He was absolutely furious.

How could she just move on like that from him?

He was her epic love and here she was no with a strange man who wore flannel.

Flannel for god's sake!!

To Klaus, it was a clear downgrade from him to this other man. He had no doubt in his mind that he would be easily able to win her back. He was without a doubt better than this supposed hillbilly she seemed to be with.

Him and Anastasia had been engaged. And here she was in a relationship with some random man. He bet that the petite brunette had never found someone after him. He bet that she never even got close to finding a man to marry again.

And that thought made him smirk.

Before he then stormed. Pissed to see that Anastasia was leaving with this so-called man.

What a surprise was awaiting him, when he finally found out she was married. And that she finally did find someone that was better than him.

Hell, anyone would be better than him.


a/n: hello lovelies:) this one is kind of short but i will make it up to y'all later

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a/n: hello lovelies:) this one is kind of short but i will make it up to y'all later.

klaus doesn't appreciate dean and his flannel and jacket. what a shame...

sorry that it is sort of later than usual. i was watching netflix and then had homework and now this one person i don't even know keeps asking for homework answers. like dude i don't even know who you are.

please don't be a silent reader. VOTE AND COMMENT.

stay safe. love you lots<3

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