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Her soft brown eyes fluttered open, only to be met by the warm, happy rays of sunlight that peeked out from around the dark gray curtains that were drawn shut across the wide windows.

She flopped back over, pulling the covers tighter around herself before she realized that she had to get up. No matter how much she wanted to sleep, she had responsibilities. The thought made her nose scrunch up.

Before she had come to Mystic Falls, the brunette angel never had any responsibilities or obligations. She had spent her days in Hell torturing people for quite literally the hell of it. Then when she would visit the land of the living, the land of humanity, she would spend her time drinking, doing drugs, and having pure meaningless sex with both men and women.

Back then, she relished in the feeling of not having to commit to anything. She enjoyed being able to float from country to country, from place to place, without having to give a damn about what others had thought of her or of what others had been expecting of her. It was like she had spent billions upon billions of years not taking on any responsibility.

That all changed when she had her two sons.

Maybe it was just a motherly sense of wanting to do something right by her kids that made her give up her living on a whim type of lifestyle or maybe it was her just finally accepting that she could get more out of life than what she had already been receiving. But either way, she had finally had something to be responsible for and people--students and parents--that she had obligations to.

And was the reason that she had to get up each morning, to withhold those promises she had made to concerned parents and frightened children.


Anastasia walked through the front doors of the school with her youngest children gripping onto her hands as she led them to their first classes of the day, something she did every morning to make sure that they arrived safely.

Once she was done, she made her way to her office, where she was greeted by her best friend, who was already doing paperwork, budgeting, scheduling, and other things and assignments that needed to be done for the school. Much to her dismay, she ended up sitting down at her desk and joining him, the two splitting up the amount of work.

Half way through what they were doing, Ric had left and got the two of them coffee. When he returned, the two of them attempted to do more of their work, but seemingly got distracted as they began talking about everything that Ric had yet to be caught up on since the last time the two of them had talked.

She filled him in on everything that had happened with Michael after the two of them had rescued Maverick. Then she told about the drama that happened with Silas--he got very angry about what had happened with that and he even got to the point where he was leaving the office to go and kill Elijah, but then Anastasia told him the news.

"You already did?!" He exclaimed. "And you didn't invite me?!"

"I thought you were against violence?"

"Not when someone goes after my nephew, then violence is highly encouraged." Alaric clarified before he finished his coffee.

Anastasia grinned at his words. "I'll keep that in mind for any future altercations, but still really hope to avoid them." Her mind immediately drifted to all the terrible things that had happened to her. Sometimes she wondered what her children's lives would be like if they were a normal family and not the screwed up family that they actually were. Not the type of family where their lives were constantly in danger because of psycho family members and past friends.

Her attention then snapped back to her friend, before she furrowed her eyebrows together and a quizzical but panicked expression crossed her features. "Wait, what time is it?"

Alaric looked up from what he was doing, wondering why she was asking or why it mattered for that matter, nonetheless he responded. "It's a little past two, why?"

"Shit." The angel muttered. She then quickly got up and grabbed her stuff. "I have a family dinner from Hell...actually worse than Hell, I actually liked it a little, but anyways, I got to go to LA!!" She rushed out before she herself rushed out of the room.


"Mav! Ryder!!" Anastasia yelled from where she was putting heels on by the front door of their home. "We have to get going!! Are you both ready to go yet?!"

There was no response, but moments later, she watched as the two twins trudged the stairs. They were wearing matching dark blue suits and matching frowns on their faces. "No." Ryder spoke, making his brother stifle a smile.

"Come on you two." Anastasia said, beckoning them to come to the door. Reluctantly, they eventually gave in and walked over. "Do you have everything?"

"Sure." Maverick replied and as soon as they walked out of the house, he spoke up again. "However, I left my will to live inside the house." He got no response.

"Do you think we can go back and get it?"


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a/n: hi friends:) it's around 1000 words wish it was longer but it is what it is. hope ya'll enjoy this!!

so i keep coming up with new ideas for different fanfictions and i am honestly so pissed i will probably never be able to write the majority of them. and ya'll have so many requests and great ideas and i will probably never be able to write those either.

anyways, my dumb ass has already been planning a rewrite of this story for a few weeks ago and i am getting super excited to make this better.

also, i am trying to rewrite call upon a winter storm and i like how it is going so far.

love you lots<33

i just choked on water...

good day

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