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pesky little accidents


Hope didn't bother going home.

The tribrid was all too angry at her family for their stupid assumptions and false blame on a family that was just trying to be happy. It was making her so angry that her father thought he could just swoop in and treat Anastasia like shit and then claim that he wanted his gets back.

He treated them like property for god's sake.

But they weren't. They were humans. They were humans who had feelings. Who had choices. Who could choose whether they wanted Klaus in their life or if they didn't.

And to be frank, if Hope was in their shoes, she wouldn't want to have any sort of relationship with him. After all the pain and suffering he had brought down upon the family, why would they want to?

That was why she had opted for sitting on a swing in the park until she had to head off towards school, hoping that by the time she got home her parents would stop sitting on a high horse and finally let reality sink in.

But she highly doubted her hopes and wishes would come true.


As Hope was walking through the hallways of the school, she noticed that Athena and Astrid never left each other's side. They never seemed to let go of the other's hand as they walked from class to class. Or during lunch or in the library.

She then noticed how when anyone tried to approach the two twins, either Maverick or Ryder would be next to their younger sisters, clearly worried for their safety.

It was clear to the young tribrid that all of them were on edge and the older brother's were being very protective of the two of them. And it wasn't hard to tell that the reasoning behind that was due to her father's outburst that had happened early in the morning.

Hope had taken notice that Dean had never once left Anastasia's side during the whole school day. The only time he seemed to leave it was when he had gotten her food for lunch, but even then Alaric had been by Anastasia's side.

All of this saddened Hope, knowing that her family kept bringing them pain.


School had let out and Anastasia was sitting in the office with the Dean. He was sitting across from her on the couch as her feet were draped across his lap. Both of them talking about random things. Pretty much just everything and anything that came to mind in between their flirty banter.

"Hey, Shortie." Alaric greeted after slightly knocking on the door.

"What's the matter, Ric?" The angel asked.

"Nothing much. There was just a letter for you." Alaric told her, passing a white envelope to her, before exiting the room.

"Does it say who it's from?" Dean asked her, concerned for his wife's safety.

Yes, he knew she was immortal and was an angel. But he was always going to be concerned about her no matter what, especially after the events that had happened earlier in the morning.

Anastasia flipped the envelope to the other side to check to see. "No...there isn't anything." She then flipped it back over to open it, taking note of the bright red wax stamp at the center of it. It was rather offsetting as it contrasted with the dull white color of the paper.

She slid her finger down the opening, breaking the seal of it and the wax stamp. She then slipped out the latter and unfolded it to reveal a perfectly inked letter written in cursive.

My darling Anastasia....

It's been a long while, hasn't it my dear. You have grown into such a beautiful woman since the last time I saw you. I must say you were easily my favorite back then, it is such a shame that your father is well...your father.

He stole my happiness. No matter what I did....I always lived in his shadow. He betrayed God and was banished...yet he still was our father's favorite. It is unfair! I have done everything for our father BUT he still chose your brother. Lucifer has taken everything from me and I finally am going to be able to take everything from him.

Starting with that precious little Detective of his and that annoying daughter of hers. Then I will move on to you and destroy your happiness. Because after all...we both know the only thing that makes my brother happy is you and your children.

I will rip your family apart from the inside. Then I will kill all of you. One. By. One. And once everyone you are wrecked and destroyed by the loss of your children, your adorable hunter husband, and ALL of your friends....

I will kill you.

And after all of that, Lucifer will finally have suffered. I will finally have taken my revenge upon him. It is such a shame that you had to be his child, otherwise I wouldn't have to do this to you.

See you soon little one.

Anastasia was visibly shaking with fear. Someone was after her family. After everyone she loved, including her father. The letter caught fire in her hands as it quickly reduced to nothing but smoke from both fear and anger.

"Annie...what's wrong?" Dean questioned, but she didn't hear him.

Anastasia's phone then dinged. Looking at it there was a message from an unknown contact. Pulling it up, he eyes widened in shock.

"It is a terrible thing.....those pesky little accidents....."

The couple then heard a familiar scream.


a/n: hello lovelies:) double update for you all

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a/n: hello lovelies:) double update for you all. and i probably can make it a triple, seeing as I have nothing else to do.

and the drama keeps coming. who do you think wrote that letter? and who do you think screamed?

we also love a compassionate Hope. i just love her too much to make her a bitch.

please don't be a silent reader. VOTE AND COMMENT.

stay safe. love you to the moon and to saturn<3

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