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ghosts of the past


 "I found a school that I think we can enroll Hope in." Freya said when they were eating dinner as a family, breaking the awkward silence. No matter how many times they sat down as a family, there was always this unexplainable, lingering tension. And the oldest sibling always seemed to be the one that made it less silent. 

"Where?" Elijah asked.

"Here. In Mystic Falls." Freya replied, before taking a sip of her water.

"What's it called?" Hope asked, curious about having the chance to actually get an opportunity to go to a school and hang out with people who were actually her age.

"The Salvatore Boarding School for the Young and Gifted." Freya replied. "I met the headmistress in town. She seemed really nice and welcoming."

" you have the number of the school?" Klaus asked, liking the idea of giving Hope a normal life.

"No, she didn't have a card on her, but she said it could be found on the website. I just wanted to check with all of you before calling." Freya told them, watching their reactions very carefully.

"Can you call her now?" Hope asked, excited. "Sorry," She apologized with a sheepish smile, "Just excited to go to an actual school with people like me."

"I can." Freya responded as she pulled out her phone and searched up the school. She then scrolled down on the page a bit before she found the number of the school. She then clicked on it and let it ring.

"Can you put it on speaker?" Hayley asked, wanting to hear what was going on about her daughter.

Listening to the request, Freya clicked the speaker button before setting it down on the wooden dining table they were all seated at.

"This is the Salvatore Boarding School for the young and gifted, headmistress Anastasia Morningstar speaking." Their family heard, causing many of them to freeze in their seats. Their breath catching in their throats.

"Hi, My name is Freya. We met earlier today, and um, I was wondering if I could enroll my niece into your school." Freya spoke through the phone, not noticing the tension that was building in the air because of the woman she was talking to.

"Oh! Freya, hi." She greeted, cheerfully. "One moment, please." Anastasia said into the phone, before the sounds of the keyboard clicking could be heard. "That'll be no problem at all." She then said as she was typing things on the computer. "Just come by tomorrow with your niece and we can get it all figured out."

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