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clowns in a hell loop

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clowns in a hell loop


Another door was opened within the corridor as the family ignored the protests of Kol and the others. They really were becoming a pain in the ass.

Scratch that.

They were a pain in the ass.

The same white light once appeared, blocking all their sight before another vision materialized before them.


It was the same dim scenery as always. There were screams echoing off the bland, dull, towering, walls. However, within the midst of all there were the faint sounds of a child giggling.

The same young Anastasia was walking through the walls with Lucifer standing next to her. Her small hand was gripped in his as he was lifting her off the ground with one arm every time that she would jump up and down. And each time that she was lifted into the air, a giggle escaped her lips before her feet landed back on the gray flooring.

"She looks so happy." Rebekah murmured in awe and disbelief. She couldn't fathom the thought the thought of being so happy and carefree when in the last moments Anastasia had been sobbing and screaming in pain.

The vision blurred out before it faded back into a clear image.

It was now only Anastasia walking by herself. The once happy look had clearly faded. Her arms were wrapped around her body as she hugged herself. With every step that she took, she hummed a soft tune.

The same soft humming continued as the small brunette faded into the adult brunette that they all knew. The memory then panned out and they saw a towering pedestal and on top of it was Lucifer. He was sitting on a throne with a bored look on his face.

They then got shoved out of the memory.


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