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the Devil is an Angel

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the Devil is an Angel


All three of the Morningstars, Dean, Anastasia, and Silas, all laid together. Silas laid in between his two parents as his small hand was intertwined with his mothers and the other with his father. Anastasia ran her fingers through his now fluffy mop of sandy brown colored hair.

It was all so surreal to them.

None of them were exactly sure what had happened or why it had happened. One could think it was a random attack orchestrated by Michael. One made to hit them where it hurt. But to Anastasia, she saw it as a puzzle. One that she intended to figure out, especially seeing as there was something that wasn't making sense to the angel.

It wasn't adding up.

Vampires don't willingly do the bidding of an angel. Threats could be made and deals could be exchanged, but for some reason, Anastasia couldn't get behind that fact. Her uncle had nothing to offer them, at least nothing an immortal being would truly desire that is. And the threats that they could have received from him would make no match for the pain that Anastasia could inflict upon all of them.

Her mind drifted back to the memory spell that Magnus had casted. The impression that the memory had left with her definitely wasn't a good one. It wasn't because of the anger and rage that was bubbling up inside her, but rather the feeling of the fact that she was missing something--something big.

Her eyelids closed as she laid peacefully content with the situation she was in right now, knowing that everybody was safe at the current moment. But every time she shut her eyes, the memory played on repeat. Each moment passed by like a broken record, replaying the exact same part every single time, omitting the rest of it.

Their eyes.

That was the certain part that the memory played over and over again. She watched their eyes as they broke through the window and then again when they were fighting her husband.

Their actions looked robotic and forced, like clockwork.

Then when she saw the red fade from one of their eyes, she saw the look in their eyes. It was hollow and distant. They were clouded over with a pure lack of emotion.

Her eyes snapped open at the revelation of what she now knew.


Anastasia has excused herself from the comfort of her bed and her family. She had placed a kiss on top of her son's head and pulled him into a much needed hug and then placed a quick kiss to her husband's lips before she made her into the night.

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