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the truth lies within the lines

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the truth lies within the lines


"Wouldn't you like to know?" Anastasia questioned them with a taunting smirk.

This family was beginning to look so incompetent in her eyes. Had they really not been taking the hints and the blunt responses about all of this? Had they overlooked her last name? Or her father's entire name? Or maybe they decided to overlook the issue of her making jokes about her grandfather, divinity, and the literal Devil?

Were they just not wanting to accept the truth? Or did they not want to accept the fact that there was a family out there, angels out there, that were stronger than them?

A lot stronger then them.

After all, divinity trumps vampire any day of the week.

And it was only a matter of time before the Mikaelson family had this reckoning.

One that Anastasia couldn't wait for.

"What do you mean by that?" Freya questioned from where she was now standing, recovering from her short forced nap. There was evident fear in the witch's eyes as she stared down the brunette woman. And intertwined with all of that, she had a small amount of admiration for the actions and power that the woman was using.

A dark laugh escaped her lips. "You are all too self-absorbed to realize the truth that has been told to you." Anastasia stated the obvious, making most of them scoff in disbelief.

"What?" Klaus scoffed. "That you're an angel?"

He didn't believe what she was saying at all. Because if she was an angel, then why didn't she tell them all when they were friends? Or when they were in love? 

It didn't make sense to him.

She wouldn't have betrayed them like that.

"Precisely." She responded with the shrug of her shoulders.

"It's impossible." Many of them muttered as her red eyes flicked back and forth around the group of vampires, witch, and werewolf.

"Is it?" She retorted with the slight tilt of her head as she looked down at her manicure that was now covered in blood.

"It is."

Anastasia then clapped her hands together. "If that's what you want to believe, then go for it." She brushed off.

If they didn't want to accept the truth, then there was no point in trying to explain it anymore....because she had already given them the answer.

"Why do you hate us so much?" Rebekah questioned, earning a scoff of disbelief from both Dean and Anastasia.

"Does that question even warrant a response?" The angel snarked, her eyes flaring even more as black began to seep into the red of them.

And once again, the Mikaelson family could have sworn that they saw the same deformed black face, something that looked like a pure monster, take over her soft but angry features. But they all just brushed it off and blamed it on the shadows from the night.

Because there are no such things as monsters. 

Not real monsters anyway that looked like one's out of fairytales.

Klaus was getting furious at the way she was acting. This wasn't how his plan was supposed to work. She was supposed to have fallen in love with him by the end of all of it.

He was supposed to have kidnapped Dean. Tortured him until he died and was out of the picture. Then he would have compelled Anastasia to love him again, seeing as she was a mere vampire and original compulsion would work on her.

But it didn't go to plan.

Anastasia had found out that he was kidnapped, which wasn't supposed to happen. How she did that, he had no clue. The stupid hunter didn't die no matter what he did, which wasn't supposed to happen either. And to be frank, it didn't make sense, seeing as the hunter was just a simple human. It was just another issue that proved to make no sense. Then the whole part of being just a vampire was becoming a little obscene for him, because her strength seemed uncharacteristically strong compared to him and his family.

Because of his anger and fury, he went for Dean.


One will never learn his lesson.

Especially one with the brain off a delusional dog.

But this time, instead of Anastasia being the one to stop him, a serrated sword was stuck through his abdomen from behind. A sword that was no doubt laced in vervain and wolfsbane. Collapsing to his knees from the pain, he turned his head to from behind him and saw the same tall man before him.

Sam, was it?

"You alright?" Sam asked Dean, who had been watching the scene between the Mikaelsons and his wife with nothing but amusement.

"I'm fantastic." Dean stated before thanking his brother, seeing as he had no weapons on his to do damage to the dickish hybrid.

A posh British voice was then heard by everyone who was outside.

"Now. Now, little Devil." Lucifer began. "Having fun and wreaking havoc without your dear old dad, now are we?"

"Not at all." Anastasia stated. "You came just in time."

The two angels then turned towards the family with matching smirks.

The fun was just about to begin.


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a/n: hello lovelie:) only update for tonight on this story. i really love writing it and this is sort of a filler because i needed to get my bearings for what i have planned.

what do you guys want to happen in the next few chapters during the fight?

please don't be a silent reader. VOTE AND COMMENT.

stay safe. love you lots<3

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