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kids and scarred arms

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kids and scarred arms


"Are you all actually enjoying this? Prying into her memories?" Marcel questioned all of them. He was in complete and utter disbelief over the fact, especially how the only reason they were getting what they wanted was once again through manipulation and intimidation.

Seriously, did they have any other tricks? No.

"Marcellus, we only do what is necessary."

"Oh, quite the condescending bullshit." Kol snapped at him.

"Would you all please hurry up with this? Because I can't hold this damn spell much longer and I would prefer for our bastard brother not to kill my wife?" Freya inputted, growing rather impatient with the whole ordeal that had been going down.

And so they did, Hayley quickly opened another door. One that speckled in all arrays of gray, black, white, and red.


The Mikaelsons saw a small little park in the middle of a town that they had never seen before; however one had.

Hayley Marshall-Mikaelson.

There sitting on the bench was Anastasia, who was aimlessly staring at the ground as she smoked a cigarette. She looked completely and utterly bored as she then puffed a cloud of smoke out of her mouth, creating a sequence of rings with it.

Her attention was then diverted when she heard the sounds of sneakers colliding with pavement followed by loud shouts of mean yelling for someone to stop.

Looking up, Anastasia saw a brunette that couldn't be more than eleven or twelve. She had a bag of something in her hands and two policeman chasing after her telling her to stop as she weaved her way through the crowd of people that were in the park.

Anastasia threw her cigarette butt on the ground, smothering with the bottom of her heed boots, before she got up from where she had been sitting and made her way over to the two police officers, intercepting them.

"Ma'am, you need to move." One of them told her as they looked around her and saw that the brunette child had stopped running a few feet away from them.

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