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{same outfit as previous chapter}

{same outfit as previous chapter}

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white eyes & murder

The phone slipped from her hand and collided with the floor, shattering into pieces. The angel then looked at Dean with a panicked expression before she got up from the couch, Dean following in suit. Both parents concerned out of their minds.

Anastasia and Dean then sprinted out of the office and watched as kids that were in the hallways were trying to figure out who had screamed and where it had come from.

They both had rushed outside towards the playground. Their eyes widened drastically as they saw that it had fallen over on top of a young someone, who was crying and screaming for help.

Rushing towards the area, they both saw Ivy struggling underneath it, multiple rods impaling her stomach in different places. Blood soaking through her light blue shirt.

"Oh my god!!" Anastasia shrieked, not even bothering to replace god with grandfather in her statement.

She was in no joking manner.

She rushed over, ignoring the students that were gathering around, and she lifted the playground off of her daughter with ease, throwing it to the side for the time being.

Not caring for her massive display of strength that she had shown. Her only concern being to save her daughter.

Both her and Dean were at their daughter's in a matter of seconds. Both kneeled on the ground next to her, panicked.

Ivy was crying in pain as Anastasia carefully placed her hands on Ivy's temple and watched as her skin glowed a shimmery gold and silver before all her wounds were healed.

The young girl then clinged to both of her parents, shaking in fear as she sobbed, clearly traumatised.

"Shh. It's okay, baby. Everything will be okay." Anastasia consoled her daughter.


Maverick, Ryder, Athena, and Astrid had left school early that day, completely unaware of the so-called accident that had happened with their baby sister.

If they had...the town would have been painted red with blood.

Athena and Astrid had off periods for the last two classes of the day and Maverick and Ryder had completed their college work that they needed done for the time being.

So the group of four had headed out to try to get Athena and Astrid's magic more controlled, seeing as ever since the morning both of the twins felt their magic trying to explode from them.

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