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family reunion minus one kid

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family reunion minus one kid


"I can't believe you're finally here again!" Anastasia exclaimed as she was now standing next to her husband, practically jumping up and down with excitement.

"I promised you I'd always come back." He told her, kissing the top of her hair as he pulled her into a hug. However, a groan was elicited as her hand pressed onto his side.

Pulling away, Anastasia looked up at Dean. She then took notice of his purple and blue left eye. There was also a gash on his eyebrow, followed by the cut near his hairline and his busted lip. She then looked down and saw the cut marks and bruises around his neck. She then lifted up his shirt slightly and gaped as she saw a yellowish blue bruise trailing up and down the entire side of his torso. She was amazed that she hadn't made a noise of pain when she jumped into his arms.

"What the hell happened?" Anastasia asked, incredulously, narrowing her eyes at him.

Dean immediately averted his eyes, feeling like a scolded child. "Um...nothing to worry about?" He answered, hesitantly. The response sounded more like a question than anything else.

The brunette narrowed her eyes at him  even more. "You better tell me about it later." She told him sternly as she lightly placed her left hand on the side of his torso and her right hand was cupping his cheek. A light goldish glow then began to appear across his skin. And when it disappeared, there were no more injuries.

"You need to be more careful. I love you too much to lose you." She told him, causing Dean to pull her into another hug.

"I love you too. And I promise you I am never going to leave you. You made sure of that." He told her, causing her to smile as she stayed in his embrace.

She finally felt complete.


The Mikaelsons stared at what they assumed was a couple. All of them had different thoughts running through their heads.

Freya and Keelin. The married couple. They weren't there with the Mikaelsons. They were doing their own thing, so it was pretty much impossible for them to have an opinion on the sight. And if they had been there...they wouldn't have cared. Not in a rude way, but because they had no clue who the woman was and they didn't see that it was their place to comment on it. They would probably be happy for her that the woman had found love like they did.

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