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angel of darkness, my darling

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angel of darkness, my darling


"You are going to let your father fight your battles?" Klaus asked. "How pathetic." He sneered at her.

"No." Anastasia replied, gently shaking her head back and forth. "I'm going to let you fight your battles." She commented with a small smirk.

Her statement immediately caused confusion about the group. What did she mean by that? How would Klaus be able to fight his own battles? That wasn't something that was possible to happen. No person could fight their selves, right?

And then they saw it.

Anastasia held her hands out in front of her, raising them up in the air, slowly. Any remaining red in her eyes began to fade from them and was now turning to a pure solid black color as they all could have sworn that it dropped many degrees around them.

"What are you doing?" Rebekah asked, fearfully with one thought running through her mind.

Why the hell were her eyes black?

After what the blonde had seen Anastasia do tonight, it was safe to say that she was terrified and dreaded what to come next. Maybe she should just let her older brother be on his own. Forget the vow 'Always and Forever' when it came to him. But she doubted that Elijah would let her do that. She doubted that any of her siblings would let her do that.

"All of you are built of dark energy, magic, and matter...." She trailed off as they all watched as glowing black and smoke began to be pulled out of Klaus's body. "And all that darkness within you all, can be manipulated...." The glowing black cloud began to form into the shape of something. "Twisted, changed, and formed into something truly terrifying and magnificent--and all that just happens to be my specialty."

As she finished her statement, a shadowy figure stood before Klaus.

One that looked exactly like the hybrid. Every detail and feature of the figure looked exactly like the man in front of it. However, there was one key detail that was different.

The darkness.

A black glowing outline covered the figure and the eyes were not a stormy blue but rather a pitch black color that was just like Anastasia's. It was a mirror image of Klaus but looked a hell of a lot more like Anastasia when it came to the horror factor.

"What the bloody hell is that thing?" Rebekah questioned, staring in horror.

Klaus tilted his head slightly in confusion as he stared at the lookalike that Anastasia had created. The figure mirrored his movements before a dark smile took place on it, differing from the frown on Klaus', a shiver went down his spine at the look that it was giving him.

"It's you brother." Anastasia told her with a shrug. "Every bad part of him mixed with the dark magic that had been used to make you all something a little extra--my own little twist."

"How can you manage to do that to him?" Elijah questioned. What he was witnessing seemed impossible.

"Oh...not just him...I can do it to all of you." Anastasia stated as figures began forming in front of all of the vampires, not enough residual dark magic in the witches or werewolf for it to happen to them as well.

She then looked at her father, who wore a smirk as he seemed to be enjoying the show before him. He found it amusing to see the Mikaelsons being punished. After all, he had been waiting for this moment for over two decades.

"What are you?" Hayley asked from the sidelines, where she was now cowering.

Anastasia sighed, "Angel of Darkness, darling. This is my father the Devil. And all of that has been said before, so please keep up with the show, my darling."

Her fingertips then briefly glowed with white fire as she slightly moved them, before the shadow figures began to move towards their counterpart. All with the same menacing and sadistic look.

"Anastasia, you don't have to do this!!" Hayley pleaded with her, genuinely scared of what was happening.

"You don't have to hurt them!" Freya added on, not wanting to lose her family.

The brunette angel scoffed.

"I don't have to do anything....I want to. And besides you should be thankful I am not letting my father do what he planned to do..." She trailed off.

"Anastasia, please." Hayley begged.

"They don't deserve this." Freya said again.

"Yes they do. They deserve this and a whole lot more. And besides, it's nothing that your brother Klaus hasn't done to me or my family!!"


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a/n: hello lovelies:) i actually got an update out seeing as i finished my homework and stuff. and i can't wait until i have time to start writing my other story about legacies and shit, because i have already fallen in love with my oc.

well now you know, she is the angel of darkness. it seems fitting because her father is the devil and what not. and the lightbringer and she is darkness, which probably means she was something else before as well.

please don't be a silent reader. VOTE AND COMMENT.

stay safe. love you lots<3

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