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after all this time

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after all this time


It had been roughly four months since Anastasia had suffered through her worst memories. And her memories were the worst king of torture for her.

For all of those months, she had been suffering from the repercussions of seeing them all. She had been daydreaming constantly, staring off into space, imagining things and people that weren't there. She honestly had felt like she was going crazy because of all of it.

But she didn't tell anyone about it.

Dean had been spending most of his time with Anastasia and his kids. For once, everything seemed to be at peace. It seemed that the warning the Mikaelsons had been given was finally working. He did however leave for a short period of time to go on a few hunts with his brother that were moderately close to Mystic Falls, making sure that he would be there if something was to happen to any of his family.

Lucifer had also traveled between places. He had bounced between Mystic Falls and Los Angeles. When he was in LA, he spent his time with his wife and at his night club. When he was in Mystic Falls, he spent it with his daughter and his family. And he was definitely beginning to notice that something was wrong with his daughter.

Maverick and Ryder were spending all their time at college, with their younger siblings and mom, or Maverick was spending it with Magnus and Ryder was speaking it with Rory.

Athena and Astrid have been doing basically the same as their two older brothers. They spent their time at the school, with their siblings, with their mom; however, they didn't have significant others in their life. Instead, they spent their time giving Hope, their half sister, a chance. Hope was more than happy to let them as well.

Josie and Lizzie once again did pretty much the same as all their siblings. Their lives consisted of doing their school work, avoiding Penelope Park, with their siblings, with their mother, and with their father.

Ivy had her birthday celebrated two months ago. She had invited her friends from the school and celebrated with them as well as her family.

Alaric had been taking care of all the meetings for the school, especially the ones that dealt with the Mikaelsons when they came to check on Hope's progress in the school. He then spent the rest of the time with his best friend and kids.


"I feel like a bloated whale." Anastasia whined from where she was seated on her bed, wrapped with blankets.

Dean emerged from the bathroom only wearing a pair of sweats. His hair was wet as water dripped from it as well as down his torso and abs. He laughed at what his wife had said as he sat down on the bed next to her.

"It's not funny." She retorted, playfully slapping him on the chest, which only made him laugh more.

"You're like nine months pregnant, Annie. What do you expect?" Dean asked her, pulling her into his side.

"Not this." She mumbled.

"You think after all these times you'd be used to it."

"Uh-uh. Sure. And that is why this little one is going to be the last one of the soccer team." She responded to him, snuggling farther into him. "By the way have you thought of any names?" She then asked him.

Dean paused, trying to think of something. "Not really. Probably not as much as I should have." He responded to her. "Have you?"

"Sort of. Maybe naming him after your dad, you know. I don't know." She murmured, sleepily.

"That's sweet of you." He then placed a kiss on top of her hair before the couple both soon fell asleep.


Anastasia stirred awake. She lifted her head off of Dean's bare chest in confusion as to why she was now awake even though it was now dark outside.

But then it is registered for her.

"Dean. Dean Dean." She spoke, shaking her husband awake.

"What?" He questioned, not bothering to open his eyes yet.

"My water just broke."


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a/n: hey friends:) anyone have any tips for physics 1?

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stay safe. love you lots<333

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