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sex in hotel rooms

"Sneaking around in hotel rooms, Dean. This is an all time new low for us." Anastasia said as the two were in the car. Amusement laced in every word she said.

"'s not like we can do anything in our home, especially since Ivy has been sleeping with us in our bed ever since the accident happened." Dean told her.

Both parents felt terrible that they had let their youngest daughter get hurt. Both of them swore that they would never allow it to happen again.

"I know. I know." Anastasia then said as the two of them walked into the room and closed the door behind them.

"And plus, I believe you have a promise to fulfill from the park." Dean said with a grin before winking at her.

Anastasia rolled her eyes at his playfulness, before walking over to him and pushed him down onto the bed behind him and then taking off her heels.

She then got on the bed and straddled his legs, pulling her suit jacket off and tossing it to the floor, staring directly at her husband. Licking her lips sensually, her fingers went to the button of his pants. Her eyes then traveled downwards as she began to undo the zipper of the jeans.

Looking back up, she saw Dean staring at her with a list filled look.

She then kept her eyes on his as she began undoing the rest of the jeans and then hooked her fingers on them before pulling them off and tossing them onto the floor of the room.

The angel then climbed back on top of him, lightly palming him through his boxers, causing her to hear his breath hitch in his throat.

"No one likes a tease, Annie." Dean rasped out.

"I think I do." She teased, looking at him through her eyelashes. "It's quite fun."

"You'll pay for that, sweetheart." He threatened.

"Hmm." She hummed before she pulled off his boxers, leaving him bare.

She then took his length into his hand, gently pumping him up and down. Looking up at him, Anastasia then licked her lips before bringing her lips to the tip. She then swirled her tongue around the top before opening her mouth more and sinking down on him.

His hips immediately bucked upwards, his dick hitting the back of her throat as his hands found their way to Anastasia's hair, grabbing a fistful of it, making her head bob up and down on him.

The grip on her hair tightened as he neared his release. The pain from the tugging makes Anastasia whimper. The vibrations sent him over the edge as he released into her mouth.

"Fuck..." He groaned.

Anastasia removed her mouth and before she could get any farther away, Dean put his finger underneath her chin, keeping her mouth shut.

"Swallow." He demanded, causing her to nod and obey what he had said, making him grin.

Anastasia then began to get off of the bed, but was yanked back down by her wrists, swiftly. Gasping from the sudden movements, Dean pulled her into a passionate and rough kiss, making her moan into it.

Dean began to pull off the cami tank top Anastasia had been wearing. The couple briefly broke the kiss, so he could throw it onto the floor, joining the other articles of clothing. He then unclasped her bra and tossed it to the floor as well.

He gave her a quick kiss before pulling her off of the bed and slammed her into the wall, his hands going straight to the buttons of her suit pants, tugging them off, Anastasia stepping out of them and kicked them to the side. The thong she was wearing then followed in suit of the other items.

Anastasia then pulled off Dean's jacket and flannel, before tugging off his shirt over his head. Dean then reconnected their lips together for a heated kiss, but then quickly spun her around.

"Put your palms against the wall." He whispered into her ear huskily.

Anastasia hesitated for a short moment before she placed her palms against the wall of the room, awaiting what Dean was going to do next.

Dean placed a soft kiss to the side of her neck as he pulled hips flush against his.

"Bend over more." He told her. Anastasia immediately listening to his demands.

Dean then wrapped his fingers through her hair and twisted his around until he had a fistful of it. He then pulled back a bit, eliciting a whimper from his wife.

"Do it again." He whispered, the sound turning him on. He repeated his actions, eliciting the same exact doing from her again and again.

While he placed a kiss on her shoulder, he pushed himself into her, making her moan from the pleasure she began to feel. He then placed one of his hands over one of hers that was on the wall, before he began thrusting in and out of her at a fast pace.

Moan after moan escaped from her lips and each time, Dean pushed into her harder, the sounds his wife was making driving him crazy.

He circled his hand around her waist, finding her clit and immediately began circling figure eight patterns on it as he continued to thrust in and out of her, causing Anastasia to feel overwhelmed by the pleasure.

A knot once again began building in her stomach as her legs then began to shake as she reached her high. The noises she made caused to quickly follow after her with one or two more thrusts.

Dean then pulled out of her and the two collapsed onto the bed. Both exhausted for the moment being as the came down from their high.


a/n: hello lovelies:) starting update number one off with some smut

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a/n: hello lovelies:) starting update number one off with some smut. hope it was good...don't really know.

do ya'll like smut between the two of them? bc if so i will probably have to say it might get a little more kinky later on.

please don't be a silent reader. VOTE AND COMMENT.

stay safe bitches. i love you all very much<3

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