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relived memories

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relived memories


Elijah went to open another door to see another memory, but just as soon as they had been thrust into the memory, they were shoved out of it.

"GET OUT OF MY HEAD!!!" A very familiar angry voice boomed. 

It was the voice of one royally pissed off and emotionally broken angel.

Before they could do anything, a cloud of black smoke surrounded them. It hindered their senses as their vision completely disappeared. The hallway of doors could no longer be seen at all. The next thing they knew was that they were back inside the Mikaelson Mansion.


Anastasia stirred awake from where she had been unconscious on the couch. Her mind was a mess as her vision was hazy as her eyes fluttered open. Streaks ran down her cheeks from the tears she had shed during the time she had been reliving her memories.

The Mikaelsons had maybe only seen a few of them, but she had seen ALL of them. Every single memory that she had cared to remember had played through her mind faster than she could process through them. It was like watching thousands of years worth of television in only a few hours.

It was emotionally draining and absolutely exhausting.

Looking up, she saw her children, her father, her best friend, and her husband all waiting around the room with concerned looks on their faces.

"Bloody hell. Don't ever do that again." Lucifer spoke up from where he had been seated on a chair next to the couch. He then got up and pulled her into a hug. One that she happily reciprocated.

However, when he pulled away, everyone noticed her tear stained cheeks and rather emotionless expression that rested on her face.

"What happened, mom?" Astrid asked her mother. Her voice was laced with concern.

"Klaus...." She mumbled, trying to make sense of her thoughts in her befuddled head. Everything in her head was all mixed up because of all the memories she had to watch.

"What about him?" Ric spoke up.

"He went through my mind...My memories." She clarified. Her head then fell to her hands. "I had to relive them all...."


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a/n: hi friends:) this is a fucking short ass chapter, but it needed to happen. i didn't want to include this in the next chapter because it didn't line up, it needed to segue from the memories into the drama. sorry for the shortness.

please stay safe. love you lots besties<333

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