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{same outfit as last chapter}

{same outfit as last chapter}

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a demon and a hybrid


Klaus immediately glared at the woman who had a satisfied smirk on his face, clearly getting the reaction that she had wanted.

Something about the woman dressed in leather was clearly off. She was different from other supernatural creatures he had seen. And it irked him.

His eyes flashed amber as he began to yell at her, "How dare you?! I am the hybrid! I am Klaus Mikaelson!!"

Talk about an over flatted ego...

But before, he could finish, Maze yawned dramatically, fanning a hand over her mouth. This only furthered his anger and lunged for her, thinking that he would be able to beat her.

Oh poor delusional little hybrid.

However, Maze disappeared from his sight. Her demon speed is faster than his vampire speed. She then appeared behind him and tapped on his shoulder.

"How-? Did-?" He stuttered over his words confused.

Something about Anastasia's family clearly wasn't adding up.

They were faster, stronger, and all together different than what vampires she be. Even though that is what they had said they were.

But it seems that they all kept on forgetting that they had never actually said what they were. The Mikaelson family had simply asked a question and they had vaguely answered it, leaving their species to their own imagination. It was their lack of imagination that made them assume that they were mere vampires.

And we all know what they say about assuming. It makes an ass out of you and me.

But in this case...just you.

Before Klaus could utter out another word, Maze reached her hands up and snapped his neck, earning gasps from the rest of the Mikaelson, excluding Kol, Davina, and Marcel who were trying to stifle their laughter like the rest of the Morningstar clan and the extended family.

Maze then turned around to look at the Mikaelsons, who all looked pissed off at what she did. "What?" She asked, innocently. She then lightly nudged his body with her heeled leather boot. "...He was annoying me." She then shrugged and picked up the nearest glass of alcohol and downed it in one go.

She then looked back up at the fuming family. "Make one move and you will join him." She threatened them. "Or can my little Lucifer enjoy her celebration?"

Their family made no move to do anything, making Maze smirk that they seemed to have listened to her.

"Perfect." The demon mused. "Now please can you take his body and leave. It may start attracting flies." She told them, scrunching her nose up in disgust.


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a/n: hello lovelies:) i know i know, it is a short ass chapter. sorry. sorry. sorry. i just didn't know what else to add. but i will make it up to you all by writing a little spicy chapter for the next update that should happen in the next hour or so.

also, i am going to be posting an announcement on the message board addressing a few things that seem to be coming up about all my stories. please go check it out.

please don't be a silent reader. VOTE AND COMMENT.

stay safe. love you to the moon and to saturn<3

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