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 make me relive trauma~~~~~

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make me relive trauma

Their vision then flashed a bright white before the Mikaelson's ended up back in the dark, door line, black and crimson hallway.

"Who was that?" Elijah asked, making Kol scoff in annoyance.

All he wanted to do was get out of his best friend's mind, not wanting to pry into her memories. But he couldn't do anything. Because he knew that if he interfered with the spell then Keelin would end up dead. And he didn't want that to happen.

He knew that he would never forgive himself if the werewolf died and he also knew that Anastasia wouldn't forgive herself if she died on her behalf either.

Talk about being stuck between a rock and a hard place.

"You'd think that you would recognize the person you called your best friend." Kol snapped at his older brother, wanting nothing more than to drive a white oak stake through his noble heart.

"Where were they?" Rebekah then asked. She had never seen such a place so gloomy and eerie.

"For my sake and the sake of your neck remaining unsnapped, just shut the hell up, Bekah!" Kol responded to her, earning glares from his siblings.

Not that he cared.

"I'll choose the next one." Elijah then spoke, making Kol roll his eyes in annoyance and anger.
Elijah selected a door that was a dark gray with black dripping down from the top.


The same young brunette now recognized as Anastasia was sitting against a wall. Her knees were tucked to her chest as her small arms were wrapped around her legs. Sobs escaped her lips as tears streaked her cheeks.

"Anastasia!!" They then heard Lucifer call out a few times, before he rounded the corner and saw his five year old daughter crying on the floor.

He went over towards her and crouched down next to her, sitting against the wall as well.

"What's wrong, sweetie?" Lucifer asked her, making her shake her head back and forth violently.

"It's all my fault." Anastasia mumbled, looking the opposite direction from where her father sat.

"No, Tasia. It's not." He reassured her.

"Yes it is!!!" She exploded, yelling at him. "It's my fault we're down here! I should have never been born!!" She screamed before she got up and began walking away.

But she didn't get far before Lucifer came up behind her and picked her up into his arms.

"Get off of me! Get away from me!" She screamed as she tried to push him away as she flailed in his arms. "If you stay with me, you'll just ruin your life more!!!"

Lucifer stood stunned at what Anastasia had said. Never had he ever expected her to ever say something like that.

Instead of replying, he pulled her into a hug, ignoring the fact that she was still thrashing around.

"You didn't ruin anything." He told her in what she called his dad-voice.

"Yes I did. I ruined your life." She sobbed into his shoulder.

"You never could ruin my life." Lucifer denied.
"You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. To hell with what dear old dad thinks." He told her, making her slightly giggle through her tears as she finally hugged him, wrapping her arms around his neck.


Kol had tears in his eyes after witnessing that. He had never known what she had been through and he never had wanted to find out any of this, especially not this way.

And his family didn't seem to care. Well, at least Elijah, Rebekah, Klaus, and Hayley didn't seem to care that they were invading such private moments between the father and the daughter.

He brought his hand up and wiped away a few stray tears, hoping that no one saw them.

"Oh my god..." Rebekah murmured, causing Marcel to sigh deeply in annoyance.

Complete and utter annoyance.

"He's a dick and you're all bastards for doing this. " Kol snarked at them. "Now are you done invading her private memories?!"

His question was never answered, instead they opened another door.

Little did they know that across town, one incision angel was suffering and reliving through each of the memories they watched.

Memories that she had been blocking out for eons...


a/n: hello lovelies:) I updated anyways bc it felt weird not doing it

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a/n: hello lovelies:) I updated anyways bc it felt weird not doing it. sorry for typos and mistakes.

fück the mikaelsons...

please don't be a silent reader. VOTE AND COMMENT.

stay safe. love you lots<333

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