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it's like looking in a mirror

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it's like looking in a mirror


The two archangels were standing in front of each other. Each time one of them went one way, the other would go the other way. Blood dripped down each of their faces from the hits and injuries they had sustained upon the other. Some of their clothing was torn and they both looked wrecked to say the least.

Each time they made a move against the other, the remaining opponent would mirror their movements to the exact action. A punch for a punch. A kick to the stomach to a kick to the stomach. A broken jaw for a broken jaw. Each move was countered with the exact same one.

It was infuriating to both of them that they were unable to get the upper hand on the other.

The whole town of Mystic Falls would shake as more powerful blows were landed. One after the other, the ground beneath the townspeople would quake. However, each person was just as oblivious as the next, thinking it was just an earthquake, not a fight between two celestial beings.

"Does your father know what his favorite angel has been up to?" Anastasia asked with a mocking smirk as an expression of realization graced her face. "Oh wait..." She pouted. "You aren't the favorite."

Michael visibly angered at her words and lunged for his niece. However, she dodged out of the way and landed her elbow into his back.

"Or does he just not care about you like he used to?" She taunted.

Michael went for her once again and was kicked in the chest, following in a similar fashion to how Anastasia had crashed through all the trees before. Michael was now the one laying on the ground in pain.

"Did you enjoy going after my son?" She asked him as she picked him up off the ground and slammed his back against a tree, holding him there.

"DID YOU?!!!" She shouted. Her eyes turned red and black as her rage almost took over her.

"I did." Michael responded with a small smile, wanting to anger her on purpose. "I enjoyed every single scream and groan in pain. All the agony I caused him. It's a pity seeing as you named him after me." He continued on and on, causing Anastasia to tighten the grip that she had on him.

"He may be named after you, but he is a better man than you will ever be!!!" She yelled at him, slamming her knee upwards into his groin, watching him double over in pain.

"You are just as annoying as my twin brother." Michael mused as he recovered before he spit blood onto the ground.

Anastasia chuckled a humorless laugh. "That's rich coming from you." She sneered.

"Look....little one." Michael began. "I don't enjoy hurting your family....I just need you to join my side in the choosing of God."

"I'll never do that." The brunette angel answered him wondering when he become so idiotic to thinks she would choose him over her own father.

Michael paused as he then shook his head. "Pity...." He then picked her up faster than she could process and unfurled his dark black wings. He then ascended into the sky.

Anastasia fought against his grip, much rather liking the idea of falling than remaining in his grasp.

And like her wishes were answered, Michael released her from his grip and she felt herself falling through the air.

However, before she could unfurl her wings, she crashed straight through the roof of one of the Mystic Falls' homes.


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a/n: hello lovelies:) another update for you all because why not.

also, i am watching shadowhunters and near the end of season 3 and i am actually sobbing because of malec. it isn't fair!!! asmodeous is a shitty father and is pissing me off in ways no one can imagine. 

so someone please spoil it. do they get back together or not? like does that malec wedding happen that people mention? cause it better...

vote and comment.

love you lots<33

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