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welcome home


The brunette angel flopped over in her bed with a terrible headache. Her face immediately scrunched together in confusion....angel's couldn't get headaches or sick for that matter.

Anastasia sat up in bed, rubbing her eyes as they adjusted to the light that was shining into the room. It seemed peaceful.

However, it was short lived.

She quickly rushed to the bathroom and keeled over as she puked into the toilet. Wiping her mouth on the back of her hand, she then flushed the toilet and got up. As she was washing her hands and getting ready, she couldn't help but be confused.

Angel's weren't meant to get sick. They never got sick, seeing as they were there before sickness and death and all that evil on earth.

So why did she throw up?

Shaking her head, she then exited her house and headed to the school.


"Well, you seem grumpier than usual." Alaric stated as he walked into the office with Anastasia.

"Mhm." She hummed in agreement. However, it sounded more like a grumble in annoyance then anything else.

"What's wrong?" Ric then asked as the two of them were seated in the office eating their lunch they had gotten from the Mystic Grill.

"I woke up with a massive headache....and then I puked my guts out." Anastasia told him annoyed. "Which makes no sense because angels can't be sick or hurt, meaning I can't get sick. Nonetheless, here I am."

Alaric's eyes nearly popped out of his sockets when realization dawned upon him. "Shortie...the only time you have ever gotten sick is when you were pregnant." He told her.

Anastasia merely nodded her head, not registering his words before she then did a double take and stared at him with wide eyes. "I can't be. Nope. Nuh-uh. There is no way." She denied.

It wasn't that she didn't want another kid. It was that she wasn't sure how the others would react about getting another baby sister or baby brother. She knew her father would be thrilled, like he normally was when he got another grandchild. Her main concern was the fact that her husband wasn't there with her. He wouldn't be able to share the news with her.

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