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the eldest brother

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the eldest brother


"Where were you all?" Maverick asked. His voice laced with concern when he saw the tired expressions on his mom's face and his two younger sisters' faces. His protective instincts immediately kicking in.

"Daddy dearest wannabe wanted to talk about having a relationship with us." Athena commented, before she headed upstairs. She was quickly followed by Astrid, who gave her brother a quick hug beforehand.

They were definitely in a terrible mood.

Maverick went to the kitchen when he saw his grandfather walk into the room and pull his mom off to the side. He got himself a drink and called his boyfriend, while the two talked.


"Wait!! What!!" Anastasia shrieked. "Your dad, my grandfather, is down on earth, just walking around like a normal human?" She questioned in disbelief.

Lucifer sighed before he finished the remaining whiskey that was in his glass. "And he refuses to go up until we have dinner with him." Lucifer continued to explain.


"Ah, yes, we." Lucifer mused. "He wants to sit down and have a family dinner with you, me, Amenadiel, Michael, and the twins, plus him."

"Which twins?" She asked with a grimace, not liking the idea of any set of twins meeting the family.

"Ryder and Maverick." He responded. "Dear old dad wanted to see what Cain's offspring are like." Anastasia did a double take at the words her father had said, making Lucifer raise his hands in defense. "His words, not mine."

Anastasia sighed, trying to reign in her anger and miserably failing at doing so. "Well tell him he took his family dinner offer and shove it up his stuck up entitled ass." She seethed before storming into the kitchen.

"Oh, Mav. Sorry." She immediately apologized before trying to exit the kitchen in a flurry, but was stopped by Maverick.

"Mom, what's wrong?" He asked her. Ever since he was young, he could always tell when something was wrong with his mom--same with all his other siblings.

"Your great grandfather wants you and Ryder and me and your grandfather to have dinner with him and Uncle Amy and Michael." She explained, trying to be honest. She had never lied to her kids, especially to her two eldest. From the way she saw it, there was absolutely no point, seeing as they would figure it out themselves eventually anyways.

"He what?!" Maverick exclaimed, his eyes flaring white and the mark on his arm flared a bright red. "Does he know what Michael has done since he came to earth?" He asked in disbelief, finding it difficult to fathom that he would be accepting on Michael's indirections on Earth.

Anastasia shrugged. "I'm assuming so. He is all knowing after all." She then paid before speaking again. "Anyways, how are you and Magnus? Are wedding bells ringing in the near future?"

Maverick's cheeks lightly tinted pink as he looked at the floor of the kitchen. "We're doing good, mom. But I am way too young to get married. At least for now."

"So in the distant future then?" She questioned again with a teasing smile, making Maverick laugh.

"That's the hope." He answered.

Anastasia pulled him into a hug. "I'd be glad to accept a Bane into this family and I'm happy for you, sweetheart."

Maverick reciprocated the hug, his chin resting above her head due to the height difference. "Thanks, mom."

And once again, they all finally felt like one happy family. 


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a/n: hello besties:) have fun with this. the next chapter will be longer i promise. 

what length do ya'll like?

love you all lots<333

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