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be quiet ~~~~~

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be quiet

Dean and Anastasia arrived back in their room of the house, locking the door behind them. Anastasia was then quickly pinned against the wall, eliciting a small gasp of shock.

"Dean...we can't do anything, the kids are home and so are some of our friends."

Dean simply smirked and whispered into her ear, "Well you better be quiet then. Do you think you can do that for me, sweetheart?"

Anastasia nodded in response, making Dean raise an eyebrow. "Yes, sir." She corrected herself.

"Good girl." He praised before he brought his lips down against his wife's. His tongue immediately made its way into her mouth.

As the two locked lips, Dean undid the belt of her dress, tossing it to the floor. Her dress was then unbuttoned and removed as well.

She was then left in just her matching black undergarments and her thigh high heeled boots.

The two finally pulled away from the kiss. Both breathless, before Dean dropped down to his knees in front of her, pushing her underwear
down once he got there. It pooling at her feet.

His hand made its way to her clit, drawing circles on it with his thumb. Anastasia bit her lip, trying to keep quiet. His tongue then quickly replaced his fingers as he swirled his tonight around her clit. He then licked a long strip down her folds.

A slight whimper escaped Anastasia when he did so, making Dean cease what he was doing looking up at her.

"Remember what I said?"

Anastasia nodded.

"Good. Make another noise and I won't let you cum." He told her.

"Yes, sir." She responded.

Dean hummed in response before he then resumed what was doing before he then plunged two fingers in her without warning, making her bite her lip to repress another moan.

His fingers curled within her as he pushed in and out of her. Adding a third finger, he then pinched her clit between his fingers. A small gasp escaped her lips, making Dean pull his fingers out of her, staying true to his words.

He then stood up, towering over her. "You can't seem to follow simple instructions." He whispered, huskily. "It seems you need to be punished."

The next thing Anastasia knew was that she was across his lap as he sat at the edge of their bed; her boots removed, only left in her black laced bra. His hand then collided with her ass. Her noises muffled against his hand.

"Count." He demanded. "But no other noises, unless spoken to. Understand?"

"Yes, sir."
His hand then harshly collided with her ass again. "Two." He then lightly rubbed over the mark, before repeating what he did before.

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