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the will to live

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the will to live


Unconditional love.

It was something many people wanted but little ever had.

Luckily, the Morningstar family, they had it.

Anastasia had an unbreakable bond with her father, Lucifer. Ever since they had been cast out of Heaven together, the two had never strayed far from each other, they told each other everything, and made sure that the other was okay. It was probably because they HAD been through everything together. For eons, the two Morningstars had been inseparable, always being there for the other.

And now that someone seemed to be threatening his daughter and putting her in harm's way, making her relive all the memories that she had ever seen, it was safe to say that he was pissed.

He had been there for the memories of her life. All the heartbreaking and heart wrenching moments that she had been through, he had been there.

And to have the Mikaelsons blow into the town, acting like they can do anything and everything they wanted to do, hurt his daughter. They had forced their way into her mind through manipulation and threats, purely for their own selfish gain, making Anastasia live through all of them. It was unjust of them in every way to think that they were entitled enough to do so and he believed it was unfair that she had to face the consequences because of it.

So now, he was using every amount of self restraint not to do what he does best.

Punish evil.

Much like Lucifer and Anastasia, Anastasia had a similar bond with kids. She had been there for everything in each of their lives. When Maverick and Ryder got their wings, when Maverick came out as gay, when the two boys got their first significant others, when they began to get their homicidal urges because of the mark from their father, when Athena and Astrid got their wings, when the two twins triggered their werewolf curse, when the two twins discovered their magic, when Josie and Lizzie realized that they were not normal witches, when Lizzie began to have mental issues and when she went to therapy for those issues, when Ivy failed her first test--Anastasia had been there for all of it. And she intended to be there for everything else in her life.

Because of how caring, loving, and supportive she had been over them through their years of life, all of them save Ivy had become quite defensive and protective when it came to their mother, especially Maverick and Ryder.

The two twins were the ones that had watched their mother cry about her lost love. They had been the ones who had been utterly confused as to why she was sad. But then again, they had also been the ones that had cheered her up even in their clueless state. And ever since then, they had made sure that no one ever hurt their mother.

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