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{same outfit as previous chapter}

{same outfit as previous chapter}

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immortal perversion


Repressed anger.

Serious paranoia.

Control issues.

All and all stupidity.

Mass amounts of alcohol.

They are never a good combo. It's essentially the domino effect. One barrels into the other and then those barrels into the next one and so on and so forth. And in the end they all blend together into one disastrous mess. 

It's like digging yourself into a hole that you can't get yourself out of. And that was what one member of the Mikaelson family was about to do to himself.

"YOU LET A HUNTER RAISE MY CHILDREN!!!" A voice roared throughout the Mystic Grill.

Thank God, the normal residents had left before this unfolded.

Anastasia stirred awake from where she had been asleep against Dean's side. The first sound she heard was a hybrid puppy yelling at her. 

Not her favorite way to wake up. Her favorite being Dean betwe-

Never mind...let's not finish that statement.

"A WINCHESTER NONETHELESS!!" He continued, getting more and more enraged when he didn't get a responded.

"Uh-oh." Dean whispered into his wife's ear, earning a small giggle from her, burying her face into his chest, as she still hadn't turned towards the annoying ass man she didn't want to talk to.

"HE'S A THREAT!!" He furthered.

To what? 

You and your fragile ego?

"It seems we have been caught." Dean whispered into her hair again, making her giggles turn into full one light laughing. This only infuriating the hybrid more.

"DO YOU FIND THIS AMUSING?!" His voice boomed, making the celebrating party of 'people' roll their eyes in annoyance. 

Can he please shut up?

Not everything is about him.


Dean groaned in annoyance, finally having enough of the raging hybrid, who always seemed to be around his family. Everywhere they went, he was coincidentally there. The hunter sure as hell hoped it was an coincidence. If not, he definitely had words to say to him. "Can you not ruin the happy moment, man?" Dean questioned, sarcastically, making Anastasia stifle her laughter at his annoyance. He seemed to make every serious moment amusing.

Klaus began to speak up again, the two twins spoke up. "For the last time we aren't yours you filthy immortal perversion!!" They snapped at him, making the others bite their tongue to not laugh.

Lucifer and Crowley struggled the most.

Both of them had been exchanging snide comments the entire time Klaus had been yelling about. The comments from the two twins making it even harder for them to burst out laughing.

"Yes you are!" Klaus yelled. "And he is not your father!" He added, pointing an accusing finger at Dean, who was still sitting in the booth next to Anastasis with Sam across from him, who had Ivy asleep against him. Dean just sighed at what Klaus said.

Did he ever know when to quit?

Athena scoffed at what he said, ignoring the rest of his family that was behind him. "As if!!" She told him. "If I was actually your daughter, I would personally take a nosedive off the nearest building! Better yet, drown myself in molten lava!"

"Amen to that." Astrid mused, making it to her twin's side, crossing her arms over her chest. "Dean Winchester is our father, hunter or not. He is as much our father as mom and our siblings are our family."


Answer: No...he didn't know when to quit.

"Do we need a repeat of what happened a few weeks ago, you unworthy sperm donor?" Athena interrupted him with sass that would make anyone in the family proud of her.

Klaus was outraged by what she said. He was enraged about the fact that Anastasia had fell in love with another man. He was outraged that she fell out of love with him. All and all he was pissed and infuriated and tried to speed towards Dean in a fit of anger.

Nothing good could come from that.

However, he was grabbed by the neck and hoisted up into the air by a man who wore a sinister grin and a cocky smirk all at the same time. He looked crazed as if he was truly mad. It was chilling to the hybrid. Never had he seen such a man so strong or so crazy but stable.

"And who the hell are you?" Klaus gritted out, trying to pry the hand off from around his throat.


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a/n: hello lovelies:) short chapter BUT a chapter i actually like. only update for tonight. sorry but i need to study for physics. tmr is friday so there shall be updates after updates, hopefully.

lucifer is going to be basically a permanent fixture from now on. maverick and ryder's lineage is soon to happen with klaus being such as dick. the letters and person are going to come up again soon. there is probably going to be another smut chapter in a few--they are actually kind of fun to write.

not me voicing my own comments in italics....

thank you for 112k+reads!! ya'll are seriously so amazing.

please don't be a silent reader. VOTE AND COMMENT.

stay safe. love you lots<3

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