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{same outfit as last chapter}

{same outfit as last chapter}

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no room to argue


"But Mav is missing! Someone took him!" Ryder shouted, scared for the life and wellbeing of his twin.

Anger and worry flared up in the angel's veins as she heard that yet another one of her kids was in trouble. It seemed as if ever since her older abusive lover and his family came back to town, they brought nothing but trouble with them.

And she hated every minute of it.

"What?!" Anastasia exclaimed, taking a step back towards her desk, afraid that if she got too angry she might lose control of her powers and hurt her son or her best friend. "What happened?" She then asked Ryder, hoping that his answer might help her be able to find him.

"We were coming back from school when a car collided with ours head on. Mav and I weren't knocked out, but were loopy and out of it enough to where we couldn't comprehend what was going on around us." Ryder began to explain, sighing in frustration because he didn't fully remember what happened to his twin and that he hadn't been able to protect him. "Then everything is all so jumbled. All I remember is someone opening the door and knocking me out and then when I woke up, he was gone and so was the car that had wrecked ours."

A beat of silence followed what her son said before she sighed and turned around from where she had been staring at her desk.

"I think I know who did this." Anastasia stated in pure anger and irritation. "And I'm going to make them pay." She seethed as she tilted her head and her eyes turned dark black.


Anastasia and Ric had teleported to the location that Maverick was being held at after much concentration from brunette angel and much convincing to get Ryder to stay at the school rather than go with them.

The two best friends arrived in the middle of a forest that seemed to be a little out of the town. In front of them was a rather creepy looking abandoned house. One that looked straight out of a horror film.

Before either of them could speak, they heard a groan in pain. The two exchanged worried glances before they both rushed into the home without a second thought, not caring about who might be inside along with Maverick.

Anastasia's eyes widened as she saw the state her son was in. His shirt had been completely torn up and was no longer on his body, revealing the tattoos that he had acquired over the past two years. Cuts and burns lined the entirety of his torso. Some deeper and worse than others, but all seemed to be equally as bad. His arms had suffered the same fate. His left eye had a nasty black and blue bruise forming around it as blood seeped from the busted eyebrow over it. Dried blood coated his lips as blood leaked from the corner of his lips, running down his chin, staining his skin in the same crimson color as the rest of his exposed skin had.

"Oh my god!!" Anastasia muttered, not caring to change the word to grandfather, as she rushed over toward him and fell to her knees beside him.

She quickly broke the shackles that were around his wrists, letting them clatter to the floor of the home. She then cupped his face in her hands, making sure that he was still breathing, which he was much to her relief.

"Mom...." He croaked out in a weak and broken voice, that made Anastasia's heartbreak.

"I'm here, sweetie. Everything is going to be alright." She told him, before she began healing the injuries that she could.

Once he was almost fully healed, some of the larger injuries inflicted by celestial weapons, making it more difficult, she heard a familiar voice ring through her ears.

"So nice of you to come, little one."

Anastasia froze for a brief second before she helped Maverick get up off of the ground and gently pushed him towards Ric, trying to get him as far away from Michael as she could.

"You both need to leave!!" She shouted at her best friend and son, worried for their safety.

"Mom, no." Maverick protested before he groaned in pain from a wound caused by a demon blade.

"Go with Ric!! Now! Please!" She protested, leaving no room for him to argue.

However, Maverick was stubborn and tried again, but before he could utter another word out, Alaric chanted a quick spell and both of them disappeared, leaving Anastasia alone to fight her uncle.


Anastasia whirled around to face Michael and was immediately met with a solid right hook to the face. Her head snapped to the side as a small amount of blood was drawn since she was fighting a being of equal power.

Her eyes shifted black and her irises shifted red before she looked back at a smug looking Michael and landed a solid punch on him as well, completely busting his lip, making her smirk.

"You're going to pay for all you've done, dearest uncle of mine."


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a/n: hello lovelies:) double update and back to the normal length of 900-1000 words, at least for now. sorry for any mistakes and typos i made. i'm writing two new stories so we shall see how all this goes.

vote and comment and love you lots<333

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