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it's the small moments

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it's the small moments


Anastasia was sitting on the couch as she watched Maverick and Lizzie attempt to teach Silas how to do magic. Maverick was sitting on one side of Silas, while Lizzie sat on the other side. The older brother would try to do a more calm way of teaching, less harmful, while the older sister was a little more erratic in her teaching. It was like watching a tennis match, especially with the way the brother in the middle was darting his eyes back and forth as he watched his two older siblings argue about which was better.

"My way is better, Mav!!" Lizzie shouted at her brother, getting frustrated. 

"No it isn't, Iz!" Mav shouted back, but a little calmer than his younger sister. Well, attempting to be calmer and failing miserably at it.

"Yes it is!!"

"No!! I hate to break it to you, but it's awful!!"

"It's not awful!!"

"Uh, yes it is!!"



"Both your ideas suck..." Silas muttered as he began to bounce blue magic between his fingers. The amusement he was finding from his siblings died faster than he aged, it quickly turning into annoyance. 

Lizzie and Maverick's screaming match stopped once they noticed that their younger brother had stopped paying attention to them. They both gaped as they watched Silas have complete control over what he was doing. Here they thought that they would have to teach him everything, but he seemed fine on his own.

"How-what-when" The siblings stuttered out.

Silas looked up at his older brother, his eyes glowing blue, wearing an accustomed Morningstar smirk on his face. "Magnus taught me." Silas commented, making Maverick slightly roll his eyes as Lizzie huffed in annoyance. He then turned to Maverick. "I approve."

The young boy then got up and walked into the kitchen to get a snack, leaving behind two frustrated siblings, who were yelling at each other, as well as a very amused mother.


"Dad! Hi!" Anastasia greeted her father as he entered the home; however, when she spun around to see him, she immediately took notice of his less than happy disposition. "What's wrong?" She asked him, pouring him a glass of whiskey before she handed it to him, widening her eyes when she saw him down the amber liquid in one go. She sighed, "Something really bad then, huh?"

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