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flashback 1 week ago

"It will be a long night, love." Tangan Jeremy mulai memainkan piano. Suara alunan nada yg dikeluarkan begitu pelan dan halus.

Lyra tersenyum menatap Jeremy yg sedang sibuk melihat partitur diatas piano.

"Let's take our time tonight, girl" Suara lembut Jeremy mengisi nada nada piano.

"Above us all the stars are watchin
There's no place I'd rather be in this world
Your eyes are where I'm lost in

Underneath the chandelier
We're dancin' all alone
There's no reason to hide
What we're feelin' inside
Right now"

Jeremy menatap Lyra dalam. Tangan nya masih setia memainkan not not piano. Mulutnya bersenandung merdu. Matanya menemukan celah kecil di lautan mata biru Lyra.

"So baby let's just turn down the lights
And close the door
Oooh I love that dress
But you won't need it anymore
No you won't need it no more
Let's just kiss 'til we're naked, baby
Versace on the floor"

Lyra melotot mendengar lirik yg dinyanyikan Jeremy. Ia mencubit kecil perut Jeremy membuat pemiliknya tertawa.

"Naughty" Cibir Lyra

"Oooh take it off for me, for me, for me, for me now, girl
Versace on the floor
Oooh take it off for me, for me, for me, for me now, girl"

Rahang Lyra terjatuh membuat mulut gadis itu terbuka lebar.

"I unzip the back to watch it fall
While I kiss your neck and shoulders
No don't be afraid to show it off
I'll be right here ready to hold you"

"Girl you know you're perfect from
Your head down to your heels
Don't be confused by my smile
'Cause I ain't ever been more for real, for real"

Suara Jeremy mengisi seluruh ruangan. Pikiran Lyra hilang begitu saja. Bahkan kepala nya diisi dengan suara merdu pria tersebut.

"So just turn down the lights
And close the door
Oooh I love that dress
But you won't need it anymore
No you won't need it no more
Let's just kiss 'til we're naked, baby
Versace on the floor

Oooh take it off for me, for me, for me, for me now, girl
Versace on the floor
Oooh take it off for me, for me, for me, for me now, girl

Jeremy melepas tangan nya dari piano. Ia segera menyambar tongkatnya dan melambaikan nya kearah pemutar musik yg ada di ujung ruangan.

 Ia segera menyambar tongkatnya dan melambaikan nya kearah pemutar musik yg ada di ujung ruangan

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