Chapter 2

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Kasumi's P. O. V:

The following morning, I get up after a fitful night sleep as I'd had a nightmare, something I hadn't had in awhile but do get every now and again, and get dressed for the graduation test today.

As we were finishing up with breakfast, Kakashi asks me, "Do you want me to come get you after the graduation test? We could go for Ichiraku's Ramen for celebration, my treat."

"That sounds good, but I can meet you there, Kakashi," I say, grabbing my bag. "I remember where you showed me it was."

Kakashi gives me a closed eye smile as he tells me, "Good luck, Kasumi!"

I nod slightly, my own face unsmiling, before I leave the house and make my way for the academy. I get there and enter my classroom. I that see Naruto, Sasuke, Shikamaru, Choji, Sakura and Ino Yamanska, the blonde girl from yesterday, were already there, heading straight for my seat between Kiba and Hinata.

 I that see Naruto, Sasuke, Shikamaru, Choji, Sakura and Ino Yamanska, the blonde girl from yesterday, were already there, heading straight for my seat between Kiba and Hinata

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Akamaru barks happily the instant I sit down and I look at him

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Akamaru barks happily the instant I sit down and I look at him. I hold out my arms and he jumps into them, allowing for me to hug him.

He's too cute!

"Hi, Akamaru!" I say, and he licks cheek, threatening to make a giggle burst forth.

Grinning, Kiba says, "Morning, Kasumi-chan!"

"Good morning, Kasumi-chan," Honiata greets me, smiling shyly at me.

I nod to both of them in acknowledgment, before resuming snuggling the cute puppy, making Kiba grin goofily.

When Iruka walks in, clipboard in hand, he announces, "Alright, class, the graduation test will be on... the Clone Jutsu."

I notice Naruto looking bummed out, and I could only assume that the Clone Jutsu is his worst one.

The first person to go was Sasuke, then Sakura. As I wait, I continue to play with Akamaru, a chibi expression on my face. I was the next person, then Shikamaru, Choji, and Hinata.

I pout when Kiba had to go in because he took Akamaru with him.

Iruka soon returns and calls my name.

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