Chapter 57

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Ayumi's P. O. V:

"So where abouts is your house, Ayumi-chan?" Kiba asks as we leave the village.

"Just outside of the village," I respond, Kiba walking on one side, Kakashi the other, everyone else behind us. "And it's actually a mansion."

Kiba's and Naruto's eyes widen at this.

"Really?!" Says Kiba. I nod my head. We fall silent as we continue to some grassy fields where my mansion is.

I say, "I highly doubt any of Shinji's men or civilians have moved in, because it's so out of the village." "I wonder if Setsuna and my cat, Sakura are still there..." I think as I look down briefly.

If they're not... my heart clenches at the thought even as I shove it down.

Kakashi glances at me with his gaze soft, no doubt silently wondering the same thing.

When we arrive, my teammate's, except Kakashi, are in awe. Before us is a massive two storey mansion with a large fountain bubbling outside it.

 Before us is a massive two storey mansion with a large fountain bubbling outside it

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"Whoa...!" My friends breathe. I stop outside the door and hesitate only a moment before I open it and we step inside. Inside was dusty and along the floor were paw prints.

"This place is huge," Says Ino. "And dusty."

I was about to speak up when something furry rubs against my legs. I look down to see a white cat rubbing my legs. Tears well up in my eyes as I bend down to pick her up and murmur, "Sakura! I've missed you."

I cuddle her as Sakura widens her green eyes. "Is she your cat, Ayumi?" I nod my head. "And she's got the same name as me. Kinda weird."

"You really are quite the animal lover, Ayumi," Remarks Kurenai.

A whinny sounds from outside and I gasp happily. I set the white cat down before turning and dashing out the back door, my friends following.

I burst outside and pause at the sight of the large paddock. And the palomino mare poking her head over the fence, ears pricked forward. She whinnies again.

"Is that your horse as well?!" Sakura gasps.

I don't say anything as I rush up to the mare and hug her face. "Setsuna! I've missed you too, girl! I never thought I'd see you again."

I bury my face against hers, feeling tears prick my eyes, as Setsuna nudges me, nickering softly. Kakashi smiles softly as he comes over. I pull back and plant a kiss on the mare's nose as she glances at the silverette.

"You remember Kakashi-kun from eight years ago, don't you?" I murmur to my mare. She nudges Kakashi's shoulder while nickering happily.

"I think she does," He says, stroking her forelock.

I say thoughtfully as I stroke the mare's neck, "Hm. Someone's been feeding them. And looking after them."

"What do you mean?" Kakashi asks, gazing at me.

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