Naruto, The Movie: Ninja Clash in the Land of Snow, Part 1

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Ayumi's P. O. V:

I sit with my knees underneath me upside down beneath the balcony in the movie cinema with my teammates, as we watch the new Princess Gale movie. Our hair is sticking downward due to lack of gravity. For some reason that even I do not know, Kakashi has asked the four of us to check out this new movie.

Before we'd left, Kakashi had told me our client was the manager of Yuki's Fujikaze, Sandayu, and he'd told me of his mission to the Land of Snow in the past."

I watch intensely as the black and white screen before us displays a battlefield with kunai and other weapons strewn everywhere, along with dead bodies. Dramatic, sad music begins playing.

"It's over. We have nowhere left to go," Says Tsukuyaku, my favourite of the male characters, as he kneels on the ground, injured while resting his hand on his sword which is embedded in the ground, his long dark hair waving in the wind. "This is it. Our road ends here."

Shishimaru says as he lies on his back, "It was a fool's decision. Doomed from the start."

Brit groans as he lays against a tree, "This is the end. We must turn back."

But then Princess Gale rises to her feet, wind tossing her high ponytail and pale green kimono attire. She says, "There is a way! Have faith. I know that we will find it."

"But, Princess..." Tsukuyaku says, trailing off.

The dark haired woman half turns to her cohorts as she says sternly, "You mustn't give up!"

"Princess..." Shishimaru murmurs in astonishment.

Just then, wind blows strongly as a short guy wearing a hat, purple robes and holding a magic staff laughs evilly. "Princess Gale! This is as far you go!"

"Mao!" Shishimaru growls as all three men scramble to their feet and go up to the Princess who remains unfazed.

Tsukuyaku demands, "Don't tell us this storm is your doing?!"

The white haired man just chuckles evilly before an armored soldier rises up with a weapon in hand, about to bring it down on Princess Gale.

I clutch my hands together as I gasp just as Naruto shouts from beside me, Sasuke on my other side, and Sakura next to him.

"Behind you, Princess! Look out!"

Gale moves swiftly out of the way and snatches up a sword just before the armored soldier could strike her. Gale brandishes the sword as she whirls around and thrusts it forwards while emitting a burst of wind. The attack blasts back the soldier.

More armored soldiers get to their feet.

Mao calls, "Give up, Princess! Fall to your knees and bow before me!"

"I will never give up," Gale says unwaveringly, back to the evil sorcerer, causing Mao's face to darken. "As long as I live, I will gather my strength, and forge a path for others to follow!"

How the heck does her hair stay perfect in battle?!

Just then, her body is enveloped by rainbow chakra.

Shishimaru says in shock, "The Princess!"

Tsukuyaku says, "Her rainbow chakra is ablaze!"

Brit tells them urgently, "Brothers! We must light the flames of our chakras, too!"


"Pitiful!" Mao yells before he raises his staff and swirls it in his hands, summoning more wind to gather rocks around him.

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