Chapter 69

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Ayumi's P. O. V:

I gaze after Sasuke silently. He knows what he did was wrong; he's just too proud to admit it.

Kakashi and I look down when we hear Sakura sobbing, her shoulders shaking, and my gaze softens. "Kakashi Sensei... Ayumi-chan..."

"So much for teamwork," Kakashi says with a sigh. I always knew Naruto and Sasuke had their differences, but I never would've expected for them to fight to the death. I glance at Kakashi when I sense I new presence. "I'm assuming it was you who taught him that technique. You don't think maybe he's a little young to be handling that Jutsu?"

I sense someone leaning behind the tank Sasuke crashed into.

It was Jiraiya.

My teeth clenched as Kakashi and Jiraiya discuss the rivalry between the boys.

I vaguely hear my Guardian say something about something driving the both of them forward. Something to make them strive to become stronger.

I just give Kakashi a hard look, which he simply gazed back at me silently.

Kakashi says as he rises to his feet, "Alright, I'll leave Naruto to you, then. I have a mission, then there's that Chidori business."

On that note, Kakashi leaps to stand in front of the pinkette. He gives her a closed eye smile as he says, "Sakura. It'll be alright. Don't you worry. We'll soon have them back to their old selves again!"

I land beside him as I say with a frown, "You and I both know that's not true. Don't get her hopes up!"

Kakashi glances at me as he says, "Cheer up, okay? I'll see you soon." With that, he leaps atop the fence and bounds away. Sakura and I turn around when Naruto steps up to us.

"What is it, Naruto?" Asks Sakura.

"Listen, Sakura, Ayumi, this is between me and Sasuke. So stay out of it!" Naruto says sternly, making me narrow my crystal blue eyes.

"No, you listen to me, Naruto." He flinches at my low tone. I was pissed. Naruto meets my anger filled gaze. "I will not stay out of it, because both you and Sasuke are my friends! I will intervene to stop you, but if you try to force me to stay out of it, then I'll have no choice but to kill the both of you, understand? That isn't a threat. You know damn well I'm an assassin that can kill in a heartbeat. I won't hesitate if need be. Keep that in mind."

I turn sharply on my heels and bound away, needing to talk to the Uchiha.


I find him sitting in a tree, the full moon high above.

I love the moon, but it's even prettier in the crescent form. It's taken me this long to find Sasuke, but I eventually did.

"Hey," I greet, perching on the branch. Sasuke gives me a glare. "I take it Kakashi already gave you a stern talking to?"


I sit down as I say, "You look so lost."

"That's because I feel lost. Everyone around me has their families. I'm the only one who's alone."

I ask lowly, "You think you're the only one who's alone?"

"You have your clan, and your brother and father! And you even have Kakashi! I've seen you two. You're the daughter he never had, and he's grown overprotective of you."

"That may be true, but his real family is all gone! Just like Naruto's and Iruka Sensei's! For years, I'd always thought I was alone, Sasuke! I'd been a prisoner and forced to fight and kill, then I was forced to become an assassin in order to survive. I'd had no idea my family was alive until recently. You truly have no idea how much I've suffered. I've seen what revenge has done to people. It takes them down a path of no return. It hardens their hearts even further because there is no Jutsu on this Earth that can bring the dead back to life! I learned to accept that a long time ago."

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