Chapter 41

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Above is the video for the full fight between Naruto and Neji. Play it after Ayumi's fight.

Third Person's P. O. V:

Ayumi and Shinobu face off, the tension thick in the air.

"That's the Kongoseki Princess?!" Asks a Leaf Chunin, awe in his voice. "Wow! She's so pretty!"

Sitting near him, Kotetsu says, arms crossed, "I remember that little girl Kakashi brought in last year."

Izumi adds from beside him, nodding thoughtfully, "Hmhm. The famous Leaf Village Assassin. We all used to fear her, but now it seems as though she's got a tone of fans."

"Aren't you going to draw your sword?" The Kongoseki Princess wants to know, face impassive.

Shinobu smiles before leaping back and doing fast hand signs, though they're not as fast as Ayumi. "Fire Style: Great Fireball Jutsu!"

The purple haired Genin emits a massive burst of flames that continuously grow as they near Ayumi.

Remaining unfazed, she raises her hands and performs her own set of hand signs, as fast as Kakashi which surprises the audience. "Water Style: Raging Waves Jutsu!" Ayumi blows out a stream of water that expands the more chakra she pours into the technique and it hits the Great Fireball Jutsu head-on.

There's a loud, angry hiss as the Water Style Jutsu collided with the Fire Style Jutsu, easily overpowering it as the water expands. Eventually, the flames die down and so does the water Jutsu.

"So you use Fire Style," Ayumi muses.

"Fire Style: Phoenix Flower Jutsu!" Shinobu fires multiple small balls of fire at the ravenette.

"Water Style: Water Pillar Jutsu!" Ayumi flows her chakra into the water on the ground and a massive pillar of water rises up. When the fireballs hit it, there's a huge sizzling noise. "Water Style: Water Fang Bullet!" Ayumi chants as the pillar drops back to the ground.

 "Water Style: Water Fang Bullet!" Ayumi chants as the pillar drops back to the ground

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Fangs of water shoot for Shinobu but she does a few back hand springs to avoid them.

Asuma says in surprise, "Ayumi knows that Jutsu?"

"Water Style: Water Dragon Jutsu!" Ayumi calls before flowing her chakra into the puddle at her feet. A massive water dragon rises up and roars, amber eyes glowing. Shinobu dodges to the side just as the water dragon crashes down towards her, flooding the arena and spraying those sitting too close to the fence. "Water Style: Water Drill!"

Water swirls around Ayumi's left arm until it forms a drill twice her size, spinning rapidly. With a cry of exertion, the black haired girl brings it down towards her opponent. Shinobu quickly creates a substitution. The Water Drill slams on top of her but she's appeared near Ayumi.

 The Water Drill slams on top of her but she's appeared near Ayumi

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