Chapter 87

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Ayumi's P. O. V:

I do swift hand signs and utter, "Diamond Style: Diamond Pillar." A pillar of diamond shoots out of the earth and slams into the rogue ninja, knocking him out of the air. As he tumbles across the ground, I do another set of hand signs. "Diamond Style: The God's Crossing Technique!"

Spikes of diamond shoot up snd impale the rogue ninja, spraying a little bit of blood.

"Diamond Style: Crimson Fruit!" With another set of hand signs, a dome of diamond forms around the Sato. As Kiba, Hinata, Shino and I gather in front of the diamond dome surrounding Hiro, I say, "Get in your defences! There's five more!"

I bite my thumb and summon Kage, just as the other five rogue ninja appear from the trees.

"Yumi-chan!" Hiro calls worriedly from inside the dome.

I say as I block a katana with my own, "Just stay in there! They won't be able to get to you."

"Be careful!" Hiro yells as Kiba deflects a few kunai slashes and then rams into his opponent wth Fang Over Fang. The man avoids the attack, and launches water bullets from his water pouch at Kiba and Akamaru, who dodge easily.

I throw my opponent away, hearing Hinata strike a rogue ninja with her Gentle Fist, and Shino send out his insects to attack. I swing my katana for the man's chest but he blocks it with ease.

"Give is the brat and we'll spare you!" The dark haired man tells me.

"Don't make me laugh," I scoff, deflecting a blow aimed for my own chest.

"Okay. Fire Style: Great Fireball Jutsu!" As he shoots a massive flame at me, Kage attacks his opponent with his Shadow Manipulation.

Hiro calls my name fearfully but I was already doing hand signs. "Water Style: Raging Waves Jutsu!"

I expel a huge amount of chakra infused water from my mouth at the incoming fireball. Both Jutsus collide and there's a loud, angry hiss as my Water Jutsu expands and douses them stunned man's own Fire Jutsu.

I mock as I straighten, "You'll have to do better than that! Water Style: Water Beast Jutsu!" After completing another set of hand signs, a huge tiger of water forms and lets out a fierce roar as it charges for my opponent.

The Water Beast lunges for him and clamps its jaws down on the man, but he gets replaced by a log. I look around for him, as my Jutsu fades, only to detect the man's vibration on my right. I bring up my katana just in time to block his, emitting a loud clang.

We exchange a few swift blows before I feel my opponent's sword graze my right upper arm, making me hiss.

I ignore it for now and focus on deflecting the man's attack.

"Divine Water Style: Atlantis!" I tap the seal on my arm and send out water to explode around my enemy. However, he gets replaced with yet another log, "where'd you go?" I utter as I flick my gaze around.

I feel a presence behind me and whirl around, just as my opponent does hand signs. "Fire Style: Running Fire Jutsu!" He expels flame from his mouth and it forms a circle around me, trapping me.

"M' Lady/Ayumi!!" Kage and the others exclaim worriedly.

I scowl, trying to figure out how I'm gonna get out of here, but then I remember how Yuki got out when she was trapped with Sasuke in the Land of Diamonds.

"Divine Water Style: Neptune's Submerge!" I tap the seal on my arm again and send out a huge wave of water that engulfs the flames, taking them out in mere moments.

I smirk back at the glaring rogue ninja. "Damn brat!"

I just flip my katana in my hand.

As everyone else resumes fighting, I charge at my opponent and clash blades with him again. He nearly grazes my left cheek but I'd spun just enough so he narrowly misses me.

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