Chapter 50

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Ayumi's P. O. V:

A week has passed by since the bet was made between Naruto and Tsunade.

I haven't trained as much as Naruto, but I'd gone to watch him from the trees most days. I'd force Naruto to take a break to eat so he doesn't pass out all the time, but he never comes back for bed at night.

If training like this won't kill him, I don't know what will.

The next day is when Naruto goes against Tsunade for round 2.

I was at the clearing with the waterfall Naruto was training in, with Shizune, wearing a pink off the shoulder kimono, as we peer around the boulder. We spot the Uzumaki lying on his stomach, unconscious. We gasp at the sight of the destroyed trees with swirling craters in them.

Shizune and I run up to Naruto as I call, "Naruto! Are you alright?!"

No answer.

"Naruto!" Shizune and I say together.

Shizune and I exchange worried glances before we carry him baxk to our room at the hotel. Shizune says she'll wait outside for Naruto while I wait the Uzumaki. I heal his hand with my Healing Water Jutsu as it works best with such injuries, even those caused by chakra.

About half an hour later, the door opens and Shizune returns with Tsunade. I move aside so she could examine him.

When Tsunade is finished, I ask, "How is he doing?"

Tsunade responds, "He's collapsed from exhaustion. I'm impressed Ayumi was able to heal his hand that was severely burned from concentrated chakra." She glances to me briefly. "He's out of it. He won't wake up till the day after tomorrow at the earliest. Old Jiraiya was right about me... to think I'd sunk so low I'd bet against a kid... hah! What am I getting so torn up about? It's his problem, not mine!"

Shizune downcasts her gaze and I blink my eyes curiously. She murmurs, "And tomorrow?" Tsunade slightly turns her head to the ravenette. Shizune raises hardened eyes. "Please tell me you're not going tomorrow!"

I wonder what she's talking about as Tsunade glances from me and back to Naruto, not saying anything.

Glaring, Shizune snaps in frustration, "Why don't you answer?! Say something! Tsunade-sama! Answer me!! I need to know!" Still no response. "Because... if you tell me you're going..."

"What then...?" Tsunade queries.

Shizune reaches for her black kimono while taking a step forward as she says sternly, "I will try to stop you, even if it costs me my life!"

Tsunade swivels her head to glare daggers at her assistant as she says lowly, "Shizune! Have you forgotten who you're talking to?!"

Shizune gasps. In the blink of an eye, Tsunade had walked past her and struck Shizune in the stomach, causing her to collapse, unconscious.

Tsunade pauses and shifts her narrowed eye glare to me, as though thinking I might try to stop her from wherever she's going too.

I hold up my hands placatingly as I say, "Hey, don't look at me like that! I've no idea what she's talking about or where you're going. Leave me out this." Tsunade purses her lips together, gazing at me a moment longer. "I'm just worried about my friend. That's all. I'm not going to stop you."

Tsunade spares me a glare before swiftly exiting the room and slamming the door shut.

I slump my shoulders while emitting a sigh. "Geez, what's gotten into everyone  tonight?" I gaze around but a certain pervy Sannin hasn't come back yet. "Even Pedo Sage hasn't returned. Strange."

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