Chapter 82

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Ayumi's P. O. V:

We decide to wait for Sazanami to wake up in order to get some answers from him, so we each took to a corner to sleep. I sleep with my head in Kiba's lap, his hand gently resting on my head, Kaminari curled up near us.

I sense movement and crack my eye open to see Sazanami sitting up and gazing in disbelief at his healed wounds.

Naruto asks as we sit up, "Where do you think you're going, old man?" Sazanami glances at the Uzumaki behind him, then me beside my boyfriend.

He goes to unsheathe his sword but I move way faster and clamp my hand down on his, slipping Sazanami's sword back in its sheathe with a click. This causes the blue haired man to scowl, but I don't remove my hand. "Just take it easy and go back to sleep," I tell him smoothly."


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Sazanami struggles to get out of my grip but I pin him down with my free hand to his shoulder

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Sazanami struggles to get out of my grip but I pin him down with my free hand to his shoulder. He grunts at me, "Let me go! Don't try to stop me. Gosunkugi will be mine!"

I demand to know, "How do you plan on doing that in your weakened condition? You may be healed but your body needs rest. You're not in any shape to fight." The brown eyed man gasps when Kiba holds up the wanted flyer of him. "Late last night, we were attacked by another bounty hunter." I remove my hands when Sazanami hunches over but doesn't try to escape again. "Care to explain why a bounty hunter is trying to nab another bounty hunter?"

"This is my business, not yours!" He goes to stand up but I knock my foot against the back of his knees, causing him to fall back down again with a grunt. Sazanami glares at me but I meet it with my own impassive expression.

"I'm not letting you go until you give me answers. I could easily stop you, if I wish, so I wouldn't try escaping again. Now, put with it," I say sternly, my blue eyes narrowed.

"Ayumi..." Hinata says quietly but I shoot her a warning look, instantly silencing her. I return my attention to the blue haired man.

"Talk. Now."

Sazanami glares at me again before finally speaking, a shadow over his eyes. "I never committed any crime."

Naruto questions as Kiba, Akamaru and Kaminari join us, "Okay, then. How do you figure this wanted flyer with your picture on it?"

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