Chapter 55

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Ayumi's P. O. V:

"How much longer are you going to stay mad at him?" Kiba asks from beside me at the port railing, leaning our elbows on it. I'd found out that it was Kurenai Sensei who'd changed my clothes before.

After my explosive entrance onto deck, I'd spared everyone a final glare before storming back into my cabin and throwing Kiba and Akamaru out so I could get dressed in my pink and black kimono. Then we'd come back on deck and Kiba had joined me at the railing, along with Hinata.

My friends can tell to give me space right now as none of them try to talk to me. Unless you're Kiba or Hinata.

I gaze at Kakashi at the wheel above the cabin roof, the sea breeze tossing our hair and clothes.

"Yumi-chan?" Kiba prompts, causing me to blink my eyes as I turn my head to him.

"Uh... it's not Kakashi I'm mad at," I say, flicking my gaze back to him. Kakashi meets my gaze this time and his gives me a guilty look, shoulders slumping.

But that memory from earlier... I'd almost forgotten about that memory, but Kakashi's Sharingan had reawakened it.

I spot Sakura standing by Naruto and Sasuke, who has his arms folded atop the railing, on the other side of the ship, which has the Hidden Leaf symbol on one of its sails.

I spot Sakura standing by Naruto and Sasuke, who has his arms folded atop the railing, on the other side of the ship, which has the Hidden Leaf symbol on one of its sails

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"Huh. Could've fooled me."

I say, "I'm mad at Tsunade, because she was the one who's assigned this mission in the first place."

"Why, Yumi-chan?" Hinata asks in an unwavering voice. "I would've thought you would be happy about returning home. Though I get why you'd be upset."

I sigh as I turn around folding my arms along the railing, gazing mindlessly at the clear ocean as it laps the sides of the boat. "I never thought that after all this time, I'd return home. I left that life and world behind a long time ago. All those memories that have been resurfacing I've fought so hard to suppress because it's just too painful. But I've been seeing memories and nightmares about my past a lot lately."

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