Chapter 70

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Ayumi's P. O. V:

The following morning, I was woken to pounding at the front door of the apartment.

At first, I tried to ignore but the knocking insisted.

Grumbling, I get up, causing Sakura to get off me and trudge down the stairs to the front door, rubbing the sleep from my eyes. I open the door and grumble tiredly, "Whaaattt?" I blink my eyes in surprise at the sight of Sakura, face tear stained and eyes puffy and red from crying. "Sakura? What... What happened to you?"

"Oh, Yumi-chan! It's awful! S-Sasuke... h-he left the village last night to go to Orochimaru."

I feel my heart stopping at her eords. I say with a frown, "He just left?"

Sakura nods her head as she sobs. "Yes. I-I tried to stop him but he wouldn't listen, and... and Sasuke-kun kn-knocked me out. P-Please, Yumi-chan! I need you...! I need you to bring Sasuke-kun back to me! Please! Y-You're the only one I know wh-who can stop him! He cares about you, s-so he'll l-listen to you. Please!"

I gaze at the green eyed girl as my face continues to harden at each word that comes out of her mouth. She'd tried to stop Sasuke from leaving, but he'd knocked her out?!

Oh, hell no, Duck Butt!! That is not gonna cut it!!

I say with a glare, "Say no more, my friend! I'll beat some sense into that Duck Butt and drag him back to the village by his ear if I have to!! I'll head to the Hokage tower—I need you to take care of my cats and horse for me. You've seen how I've done it. Can you do that?" Sniffling, she nods her head. I give her a soft smile. "Thanks a bunch, Pinky!"

With that, I whirl around and dash back inside, to my bedroom. The cats leave for breakfast while I throw on my pink and black kimono, strappy black open toed sandals, and run a brush through my long silky black black hair before I tie my pink ribbon around my head, along with my headband. I do my teeth at the speed of lightning before I grab some water and dash to the Hokage tower, taking a drink while strapping my bottles to either side of my waist.

I take to the window and throw it open, causing it to crack and for the blonde woman to calmly turn her head to me from her desk. "Ayumi, what are you doing here?" Asks Tsunade as I slip inside her office.

I get in front of her desk and slam my hands down on top of it, causing Shizune to jump and cry out with fright, but Tsunade just meets my glaring gaze with a steady one of her own. "That teme, Sasuke left the village last night?!"

Tsunade nods as she says, "Indeed. Izumo and Kotetsu told me when they were bringing me documents, after they'd heard from Sakura. How did you find out?"

I slam my hands again, an angry, scarlet pink aura around me, "I found out about this from Sakura! And she was crying her eyes out! Why didn't you tell me?! You know I'd want to help bring him back!"

I slam my hands again, an angry, scarlet pink aura around me, "I found out about this from Sakura! And she was crying her eyes out! Why didn't you tell me?! You know I'd want to help bring him back!"

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