Chapter 65

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Ayumi's P. O. V:

I knew that not everyone could see me and Shinji even as I feel eyes on us, as it's too dark.

My black hair and kimono are drenched from the water jutsu he'd hit me with.

"If I were you, I'd stay down, Princess," Shinji tells me.

"I wouldn't be too overconfident if I were you, Shinji," I reply, sneering. "You do realise who you're talking to, right? I'm no ordinary ninja."

"I know. The Land of Fire's most notorious assassin, the Diamond Princess. You don't scare me! You're still just a little kid!" Shinji huffs.

"I'm not backing down and you won't catch me off guard again," I tell Shinji as I get to my feet, using my Wind Chakra to dry myself. "You've terrorised the good people of this island long enough. Your reign of terror ends here and now, because I'm taking back what's rightfully mine."

"I'd like to see you try! Water Style: Water Dragon Jutsu!"

I say my Jutsu name at the same time as he does, and both dragons of water form from the Jutsu spilled on the ground. Their roars resound across the battlefield before both dragons lunge for each other.

My comrades cry out as the water dragons slam their heads into each other, before latching around one another and squeezing tightly. The two jutsus break after a few minutes, spraying everyone with water.

I was already dong hand signs. "Lightning Style: Lightning Excalibur!" I a huge amount of chakra into my hands and form a giant sword out of electricity, about the same width as my Diamond version.

Everyone's eyes bug in their heads before I bring the sword down with a cry of exertion. It emits a curved blade of lightning that slams into Shinji, but there's a poof as he is replaced with a log.

I notice Kakashi Sensei has his headband lifted, as though trying to copy my Jutsu. Not that I minded. In fact, I feel honoured.

"THAT IS ONE HUGE SWORD!" Kiba splutters.

I disperse the Jutsu and feel for Shinji's vibration. I hold my right arm behind my head to block a chakra powered punch. Shinji gasps before I smirk darkly. I then latch my hand around his wrist and flow chakra to both my hands before I throw him over my shoulder. Shinji slams back first into the ground.

He grunts as he stands up, and I do more hand signs. "Lightning Style: Earth Blast!"

I thrust my hands towards the water covered ground and Shinji's eyes jerk wide as the lightning is amplified as it races towards the Blood Release user.

He jumps to the side to avoid it and performs hand signs. "Water Style; Water Beast Jutsu!"

A beast in the form of a wolf charges for me, so I create my own version, as a tiger. The two jutsus let out fierce roars before colliding, spraying water.

Shinji hisses in annoyance as my face remains impassive.

I then feel Shinji give a burst to his chakra, feeling somewhat like Kiba's All Fours Jutsu, before he charges at me. Shinji throws out a leg to kick me but I leap up and land on it before back flipping off.

I go to attack but Shinji throws out another kick and strikes my right ribs. My eyes bug in their sockets as I hear a crack or two and I'm sent flying in Kiba's direction, hitting the ground on my back.

"Ow! That hurt!" I groan, clutching my ribs.

Kiba blinks down at me as he asks, "Are you ok, Princess?"

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