Chapter 60

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Ayumi's P. O. V:

We were able to sneak past the guards and leap through the forest at sundown. I left Setsuna at home, of course, as I didn't want to spook her further.

"How much further is it?" Ino asks as we leap through the trees, with me in the lead.

"Almost there," I respond. We were to meet Yuki at the tree line just before the temple. After a few more minutes, I spot the hill up ahead. I stop and hold up my hand, causing the others to stop as well. "We're here." I leap down and the others follow."

"Where's this friend of yours?" Asks Sasuke as we gaze around.

Kakashi gazes at two trees as a dark haired figure steps out of them. "Oh, good. You made it!"

I say as I hug my childhood friend, "Of course we made it, Yuki!" I then turn to my comrades with my arm around her shoulders, grinning. "This is Yuki Kongoseki, my childhood best friend."

Naruto looks sad about this as he mutters, "Your best friend?"

Yuki smirks as she nods her head, hugging me sideways. "Yup! Her best friend!"

Kakashi says for all of them, "Well, it's nice to see you again, Yuki. Ayumi's told us all about you."

"Really?! That makes me happy. It's been a long time, Captain Kakashi. I remember the last time you were here to guard Ayumi and Hikaru-kun. Now, come on! Let's go inside! They're all waiting for you," Yuki says as she eagerly pulls me towards the top of the hill, where the Diamond Barrier is,

"But how will we get in? That diamond chakra is impenetrable—unless you have lightning chakra," Asuma states.

"Only a Kongoseki can open the barrier," Yuki explains. She smirks smugly. "Heh, even if Shinji's men—or anyone else, for that matter—have Lightning Style—the barrier will just automatically repair itself. Once it's been activated, that is. It's how the Ketsueki clan have been unable to get to us in these past eight years."

"Impressive," Murmurs Kakashi.

Stopping at the wall of glistening diamond, Yuki reaches out and places her hand on it. The diamond opens up and my teammates murmur in awe. Yuki gestures fo us to follow and we step through the barrier. Once all of us are inside, the barrier closes smoothly behind us.

We follow Yuki up the hill and reach the temple. She pushes open the door and we head inside, the walls of the temple lined with ancient stone.

"They're in the room up ahead," Yuki says excitedly, dragging me forward by my wrist. We reach a huge door and Yuki pushes it open. "Hey, guys! You won't believe who I found!" I stare with wide eyes at the small group of people gathered.

I see a boy around fourteen with his long dark hair hanging all the way down his back and striking blue gaze fixated on me, bangs stopping down just past his eyes. He wears a long sleeved white kimono. The boy smiles kindly at me. I blush a little.

Kiba notices and scowls.

Kiba notices and scowls

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