Chapter 75

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Third Person's P. O. V:

"Yumi-chan?!" Naruto gasps, blue eyes wide at the sight of the tears leaning down the blue eyed girl's face, as well as at her dusk at of sheer strength and different appearance.

"Yumi-chan?!" Naruto gasps, blue eyes wide at the sight of the tears leaning down the blue eyed girl's face, as well as at her dusk at of sheer strength and different appearance

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"..... Tears...?" Sasuke murmurs lowly, seeing the silver leaking down the Kongoseki's cheeks. He stares at the girl, stunned by her incredible strength and transformation. Her once dark hair is now scarlet pink and her eyes, dripping with tears, are also pink. Ayumi doesn't have the Second Stage of the Curse Mark, but hers is still just as strong—strong enough to stop him and the Uzumaki like this.

Sasuke hates that she's crying. He didn't want her involved in any of this. Sasuke had snuck into the Princess's bedroom the night he'd left, so he could see her once more he defecting the village. Sasuke had fled the second he saw Ayumi, fighting through a nightmare, about to jolt awake with a scream. He should've known Ayumi would follow him here...

Sasuke tries to wrench his arm free but the Kongoseki holds on even tighter. Sasuke clenches his teeth in frustration and anger.

"Please, stop fighting," Ayumi begs them in a broken whisper. Naruto's Kyuubi chakra begins to slowly recede. He was so stunned by Ayumi's tears and sheer strength. "You're friends, my friends. You're also my brothers. I don't want you to fight anymore." Ayumi wraps her arms around their heads and pulls them against her chest, eyes closed as she sniffles. Their Jutsus fade from their hands. "I love you both. I don't want us to be apart because we're a team, but more than that, we're family. Our bonds run deeper than blood. There's no need for any of this, so let's just please go home. All of us—together."

Sasuke doesn't say anything and neither does Naruto. The two don't move as they feel the girl's warmth wash over them, touching them. Sasuke feels some of his coldness ebb away until he remembers his brother.

He cannot rest while he's still out there.

Sasuke will get his revenge, even if it means hurting the girl he loves.

"Ayumi," Sasuke speaks up lowly, causing the now pink haired girl to raise her eyes to his as he pulls back. "I thank you for everything, but I can't do it—not even for you."

Naruto pulls back and Ayumi stares at the Uchiha, tears streaking silently down her face.

Until Sasuke slugs the Princess in her gut with a powerful kick. Her eyes bug in their sockets as Ayumi is sent rocketing backwards to the bank behind Naruto.

"AYUMI!" Naruto screams fearfully. He shoots Sasuke a glare. "DAMN YOU...!"

Ayumi coughs blood from Sasuke's powerful kick and cringes at the painful burn in her right arm from Naruto's Kyuubi's chakra. Her pink hair fades back to black and her pink eyes return to their natural crystal blue.

She crawls forward and gingerly places her arms in the water, her left one having been stung by Sasuke's Chidori, seeing Naruto and Sasuke leap backwards. Ayumi's arms light up as she begins to heal herself, gaze glued to her two teammates.

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